Page 494 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 494
TABLE J- -contd.
Exports of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during the year* 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39™cotifd.
Quantity. Valvk.
Articles and names or countries to which
1036-37 1937-38 | 1038-3? 1936-37 1037-38 1938-39
R*. Rs. Ra.
Kerosene OU— i
Arab Coaat . Gals. 6,104 5,024 I 32 3,002 :.’,897 17
Kerosene Oil Tins, Empty-- !
Arab Coast- Value i 521
Iraq . . . . 3,660
Persian Coast i 2,218
Limes. Dried— !
Arab Coast Csrt. ft 410
Iraq 24 : 16 250 1,200
Persian Cbast »• 82 332 2,420 9,374
Iraq . Value : 33
Arab Coast i : 360 175
Iraq 123 225 203
Male he*—
Arab Coast i 2.835 665
Iraq 560 18.270
Persian Coa*t 150 40
Metals— :
Arab Coast i 1,019 116
Iraq : 1.972 340
Persian Coast 400
Oil, Fisb-
Arab Coast ! 120 917 36
Iraq 14,566 13.446 14,832
Persian Coast •# 1,329 2.423 11,175
India . ! 1,950
OiL Other 6ort«—
Arab Coast • t 2.017
Iraq 70
Iraq • Cvrt. 65 62 170 144
Arab Coa*t 54 106
Arab Coaat Value ; 139.6R2 131,249 168,575
Iraq .55.565 8,084 273
Persian Coast 1.100 58,315 102.655
Arab Coaat Cm. 99 283 : CM 432 946 5,375
Iraq »• I 84 410
* I
Arab Coaat Noa. 29,520 120 39 14.831 86
. Iraq rt 26,200 5,800 1,261 9,680 2,439
Permian Coaat i. 6,600 24,780 171 1,990 12,737
Arab Coaat Cwt. 339 3,699 372 2,120 19,326 2,312
Persian Coant •» 22 1,220 411 150 6,879 2,799 !