Page 491 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 491
TABLE I—contd.
Exports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39 contd.
Quantity. Vauik.
Description or Articles.
1930-37 1937-38 1938-39 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39
Rs. Rs. Ra.
nnUrdoMhciy . Value 2.870 19,307 26,407
Hides and Skina . 3.131 37 2.085
Iron and Ironware 921 10 8.478
Krroww oil Gail*. 6.404 5.021 32 3.602 2.897 17
Kerosene tiiw, empty Nos. 1,070 6.405
Limes, dried Cwt. I0G 332 27 2,670 9,374 1.610
Machinery Value 55
MaU 4S3 225 380
Match** . 3.545 18.975
Metals- ... 3,391 340 116
Oil. flab . ! 16.015 16.786 27.993
Oil, other sort* 2.087
Onions Cwt. 65 j 116 170 250
Piece-goods Value 196,347 197.648 271.503
Puleo Cwt. 99 : 283 768 432 946
Rafter- . Nos. 62.320 i 30,700 1,47! 26,501 15-262
Rice Cwt. 301 ; 4.919 783 2.270 26.203
Rock, rural Value 22254
Sand 2,490 3.234 66309
Sesarar- juice . I 290 484 803
Soap M 299 363 2,187
Spice? j 1,054 2,014
Sugar, loaf Cwt. 742 j CO 166 5340 480 1367
Sugar, aoft 6.084 12,946 12,020 28,621 85,357 63.760
TaUow 1 10 12 210
Tamarind 3,162 5,690 7,826 14,691 35,469 39358
Tea ... 5,028 5,273 2,432 268,268 323.690 143,792
Timber . Value 15,997 31388 33.656
Tobacco . 1,120 2.725 5372
Vegetable* 515 295 3392
Wheat Cwt. 412 372 1,650 1.446
Wheat flour 10,058 9,743 4,776 42,532 34.141 17,756
Wool 690 4C2 896 12,439 12.740 11.897
Article* not 8peci6ed above Value 10,160 1.966 480
Total 883347 1308,652 1,199382
Exports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1938-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39.
Quantity. Value.
Articles and names or countries to which
1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1936-37 1937-38 1938-39
Ra. EU.
Iraq No*. 00 100
Arab Coast . 1 • •
99 400
Iraq 1
99 100