Page 486 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 486
TABLE F—cowcW.
Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39 -ronr/</.
QCA’.TITV. Valve.
Article* and names or countries from WHICH
If 36-37 If37-38 I'i38-3f I'J36-37 r.t.iT-w 1936-39
Ra. R*. Ra.
Arab Gout . Cwt. 43 40 t»J3 726
India . 243 313 333 4,116 l«.K78 6,024
Iraq 42 20
Other Countries 41 KV4
Arab Count . 2.401 2,237 12.470 11,185
India . 3.690 6,3*6 l.'.W 18,4*0 31,010 24,050
Iraq 134 770
Tanninp powder—
Perrim Coast Value 1.236 7,318
Iraq 372
Arab Coast . Cwt. 2,000 59/.I50
India . 4.3% 103 219,*00 6,180
Arab Coa«t Value 0.354 5.264 .36,677
Iraq 662 2,346 39,865
Peirian Coast 193
India . 49,096 •18.966 3,06,145
Arab Coast . Cwt. 359 117 1,749 5,390 2.025 46.500
Iraq 1,110 619 15 44,400 74,280 000
Persian Coast 32G 118 60S 3,260 S26 16^200
Other Countries 1,000 1,744 13,000 8,720
India . 10 260
Arab Coast Value bO 272 336
Other Countries 175
Iraq 60
Iraq 1,97,100 1,97,100 1,97,100
Iraq Cwt. 1,872 2,736 12,173 6,090 9,520 38.952
Persian Coast 38.092 27,892 2,870 1,26,975 92,875 11,480
Wheat Boor—
India 23 120
Arab Coast 102 138 544 414
Iraq 8,022 12,654 43,110 42,784 75.924 129,330
Permit Coast 709 664 44284 2.324
Arab Coast . 10 22 28 250 550 700
Iraq 22 18 3 550 330 75
Peraiaa Coast 40 70 94 1.000 1.405 510
Articles not specified abor
Arab Coast . Value 2,324 776 14
India . . • 880 2.234 305
Iraq 3,069 7,487 4,629
Persian Coast 260 840 4,129
Total 12,604537 17,704527 24,39,660