Page 485 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 485

                                        TABLE F—con*/.
         Import* of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the year* 1936-37,1937-38 and 1938-39  ront>l.

                                                 QCAJfTITY.             Value.
          Ai;tici.C' anu names or cotTSTiuc* « iiom which
                     IM rOHTCI>.                         1938-39        1937 38
                                           1936-37  1937.38     1936 37        1938-3*
                                                                  Rb.    Rb.     Ra.
        I’c|)|irr. Ilia*-!; —
         India                       Cwt.     15                   200
        I'icvc.cood* —                                            6,900   2.850  3.000
         Aral*                       Valae
                                                                  2,000   2.800  4.200
         India                                                                   14.2-70
         It*-,                                                    7,200   2.2U0
         lVr>Un Coa4                                               1,800  1.400  3.900
         Other Countries                                                   209
        Pulses—                                                                   556
         Arab Coa*t                  Cwt.                   139          14,118  13.76*
         I raq                              4.332   3,524  4,935  15,526  5.011  2.G00
         Persian C'M*t                       582            975
          India                               102     85           462     495
        Rafters—                                                         25,200  4 .0-»
         Arab Co.t.«t                Value                            p  00,525  92.610
         Other Countries                                          23,121 E
        Rcrd< —                                                                  1,0-8
         Arab C’oa-4                                                       420
         Iraq                                                     1,050   1/220  2.093
        Rice -
         Arab Coast                  Cwt.            36    3,150           383  16.8X)
         India                              11.136  4.188  11,307  39,392  22,408  60,304
         Ira* |                               65           6,841   4 18         36,498
         Persian Cui4                                88                    472
        Rose water—
         Iraq                        Value                         708     909    888
         Persian Coast                                             960    3.990  2.826
         Arab Coast                                                132     70     198
        Sail Cloth —                                                                        I
         Arab Coast                   f*                          6.900         10.400
         India .                                                   500           1.280
          Persian Coaat              Cwt.   2,602   2,722   920    1,081  1,361   468
         Arab Coast                                        4,260                 1,597
          Iraq                       Value                         217           1,030
          Persian Coast                                             84            175
          Iraq                        9«                                   182   1,884
          Arab Coast                                               440           7,260
          India                                                            133    156
          Other Cootiies                                           800     182   • 0
          Arab Coast                                                27    2.325   575
          Iraq                        9*                                   438
          India                                                   1,634   5,184  2,790
        Sugar, Soft—
          India .                    Cwt.     *76                 3,904
          Other Countries                     80     40    • •     320     180
   480   481   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490