Page 487 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 487


                                         TABLE C.
             Exports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1936*37, 1937-38 and 1938-39.

                                                 Qoaititt.              Value.
                Onsciirnox or Aeticle*.
                                           1936-37  1037-38  1038-30  1936-37  1037-38  1838-3#

                                                                  Ra.     Ks.    fU.
        Animal* —
         Horse* .                    No*.             3                    300
         Jshrep .                                             2                    10
        Arab Cloak*                  VaJno                                4.800
        Barley                      Cwt.    11,166  16.201        18,361  42,490
        Bullion, Silver .
        Carpeta                     Vai* ue                       13.100  11.800
        Cigarette paper                                                    700
        Cereal*                     Cwt.      124    60             400    200
        CluiUtd Butter                        17     30      61    612    1.175  2.44!
        Coffee                                18      4            800     80
        Ditto*      ..                        30    2.463           38    4,320
        Date «tono«
        Fi*h, dried                 Va'l'i *e                      125
        Fi*b mawK                                                 1.465
        Fruits fre.-h and dried                                    509
        Haberdashery                                               920
        Hi«3o and Skin*                                           3.391           777
        Int-estines                                                175    439    1.375
        Iroa *nd Ironware                                          550
        La nib *kin«                                            1.62,045  1,38.998  1.06.283
       Metal*                                                      4-50
       OiL Fish .                   Ctvt.                                2,000
       Peart*                       Value                       MO.OuO   2,58,000  200.000
       Pie-.e-good*                                              II.loo  7,340
        Poc*. old copper                                                  120
       Se**arae juice* .                                           380
       Specie                                                   3.43.8-50  5.53,800  7,45.600
       Sugar, Loaf                  Cwt.                                   40
       Sugar. Soft                                    i                    40
       Tra                                   262    410          15.330  3*1.870
       Timber                       V aYinr                               600
       Tobacco .                    Cwt.       I                   20
       Tyre* aud Tube**             Value                         1.000
       Vegetable**                                                  5     277    317
       Whoat                        Cwt.           3.300           900  11.460
       Wh*»U flour                           213                   900
       Wool                                  534   1.111    -Vi  12,332  35.094  440
       Article* not specified above  VaiDC                         930    280
                                Total                           6,99.048  11.11.423  10,57,282
                                         TABLE H.
           Exports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39.
                                                Quaxtitt.             Value.
                                          1036-37  1037-38  1038-30  1036-37  1037-38  1038-39
                                                                 H*.    Ha.     Ea.
         Horae* —
          Arab Coast                 No.             3                    300

          Arab Coast                 No.                   • 2                   to
   482   483   484   485   486   487   488   489   490   491   492