Page 480 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 480

                                              TABLE E—concld.
               Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1935-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39—;oncld.

                                                       Q CANTITV.              Value.
                       Dr.«c«imo* «r Acticles.
                                                 1930-37  1937-38  193*-3*  1'0637  1937-3*   |M3*.3i*
                                                                         Kv     K*.     R-.
               Sail doth                   Value                         7.400         11.0*#
               Sah .                        Cut.   2.702  1722   --.140  1/181   1.361  2.06T.
               S«*i                        Value                          301           1.195
               Soap                                                      1.240   4,,;i  9.30* •
               Spier*                                                    1,661  7.947   3.275
               Sugar. Soft                  Cat.   1/V*                  4.224    16*1
               Tallow .                             287    f.2G    373   1.824  13.244   0.7.»
               Tamarind                            3.099  8j8S*0  r.38i  18.493  41.380  30.903
               Tanning ponder              Value                         i.ooa  2.7 0,7.Vi   7.3 I*
               Tr* .                        Cnt.          6J8*6                         O.I8*»
               Timber .                    Value                        5*.*.712   -“*0,771 ;   3.82.6*7
               Toba<t-o .                   Cut.   2,995  2JW    2.382  08.230  ^J.73l t
               Vermicelli                  Value                           80    447     3!K
               Water                                                   1.97.100   1297.100 '   1.97,Mr*
               Wheat                        Cut.  40.077  3C».63i3   17J03   1.35.390   l."*2,393 •   3*1.432
                                                                                S0.2«|K ,
               Wheat Flour                         8.147  132(013  4 3.912   13.4 4 H   1.32.06s
               Wool                                  72    110     123   1.800   2.283   1.2.83
               Arte 1e* not i*pe;ified above  Value                      6,333  11.337  •9,077
                                        Total                         12.60.337  17.70.327 ! 21219.00*#
                                                  TABLE F.
                  Imports of Principal Articles by Sailing Craft during the years 1936-37, 1937-3S and 1933-39.

                                                        Quasttxv.             Value.
                 Annct-E** and nascts or conrrniEs frox which
                                                  1936-37  1937-38  1928-39  11*30-37  14*37-38  1938-3*

                                                                         Ro.    Rs.     R*.
                Animal* and Birds—
                   Arab Coaet             . Nob.      5                   230
                   Iraq .                    W       115    99      77   3,450   3.265  1,925
                   Persian Coact             ••              2      24            70     600
                   Arab Coact                it                     1                     25
                   Arab Coact .                       7             14    280            420
                                             • I
                   Iraq                               3                   120
                   Persian Coact                     19     •7            190    1,675
                   Arab Coact                        26      5            260     125
                 Skeep and Goats—
                   Arab Coact                n              30      2             210     10
                   Iraq                      M       575    230    144   3/450   1,652   730
                   Persian Coast                     561    M3     495   3,486   6591   2,475


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