Page 475 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 475

TABLE D—contJ.
         Imports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1936*37, 1937-38 and 193&-39—cotiid.

                                                Quant itt.            Value.
         Arrici.cs> and names »r countries from which
                     IMrORTF.D.                                1936-37        1936-39
                                         1936-37  1937-33  1936-39     1937-36
                                                                 Ra.    Ra.     Ra.

       Ptt(*.«ion Cap*—                                                   800
        United Kingdom              Ca«e*            2                    800     100
        India                        M               2       2            400    560
        Otter Countries                              I       7
       Pe«ruland Iknrirte—                       105.004        152,904  141.421  242,382
        Pmian Coart.                CalLv.  174,816      327.170
       Pi*-c«-Goods—                                            284.000   355,400  379,200
        India .                     Value                        14.300
        Persian Coart.                                          155.000   1-44.200
        .lapuni .                                                 500    2,400  590,250
        Un.tvd Kingdom                                                  18,000  17.250
        OtVr Countries                                           9.900
       PirtcJ Rounds—                                                     280
        India .                    Case*             2
       Rke—                                          27            184    144
        Arab Coast .                Cwt.     42                 494.192  529,032  895.971
        India                        ft    92,661  99,193  149,278
       Sand —                                                                    156
        India -                     Value
       Se^a                                                                     4.400
        Otter Countries             Cwt.                   330
       Soap—                                                      400           1,421
        India .                     Value                                        700
         Other Countries                                          848
        Japan .                      ft
       •Specie—                                                        153,743  124,557
         India                       ft                          42J250  276,600  32.340
        Arab Co art .                                            31.400
       Starch—                                                                   285
         India                       ft                                          750
         Other Countries             • •
       Sarcharin                                                                 375
         India                       M
       Sugar. Loaf—                                                      3,255
         India                      Cwt.            465          8,400   9,100  12,000
         Other Countries             M      1.500  1,300  1,400
       Sugar. Soft—                                              34.800  44,800  15,000
         United Kingdom              M      0.525  8,400  2,500         57,544  118,404
         India .                     M      9.298  14,386  19,734  377.144  34.392  104.004
         Other Countries                   94,286  8,508
       TaOow—                                                    6/136   7,080  0.942
         India                       9f      335    393    386    200
        J.p- .                               18
       Tamarind—                                                 1,740   1,845  1.140
         India                              348     369    228

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