Page 479 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 479

                                       TABLE E—conid.
        Import* of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft during the year* 193G-37, 1937-38 and 193&-39 co.W.

                                                Quart rrv.    
                l)r.sciurTioi« of Asnoi-F-R.
                                          1936-37  1937-38  1938-39  1K16-37  1937-38  l*J3«-39
                                                                  R*.    1U.     YU.
                                                                         30,400   26,400
        Arab Cloak*                                                750   24,230   77.601
        Bamboo* .                                                        2,758   3.460
        Bamboos Split. .                                         72,535  1,60,597  1,48.413
        Barley                      Cwt.   43.521  08,817  61,839                 225
        Bicycle* .                  No*.                     9                    264
        Building Materials .        Value.                        1,949   701     520
        Canoe*                      No*.      15     14     26   10,130   57,840  96,500
        Carpet* .                   Value                                       23,119
        Charcoal .                  Cwt.    6.4G0   047   11,404  12,920 !  12.091  780
        Cigarette*                  Value                         5,250  10,650  1,300
        Cigarette Pai*er                                                         3,420
        Clarified Butler            C*.       6     396     93     180   17.850
        Coal and Coal Tar           Value                         5,030   554    1,460
        Coffee                      Cwt.      10     25     72     400    850   77,384
        Coir and Coir Hope .        Value                       1,29,435  72,995
        Confectionery .             <&k                           3.060           925
        Cotton                                20    173     100  1.18,304  R.245  3,54,428
        Pate*                              69.6*0  117.455  173,889    1.00.175
        Bate Stone*                                       27,238                18,159
        Date Syrup                  Value                         5,532  .,754   3,151
        Dye * and Colour*                                          270
        Drugs                                                     2.952  19.132  18,177
        Earthenware                                                455    201     768
        Edible Seed*                                              3,680   490    6.418
        Electrical Implement*                                     5,840  5,820   1.300
        Firewood .                                                7,796  7,511  26.833
        Fin*. Shark                                                380      8
        Fish. Dried                                               3,477  5,035   3,742
        Finh Maw*                                                   so    625
        Fruit, Fresh and Dried       99                          36,902  41.185  45,796
        Furniture                    99                           4,430         20,884
        Gra*s. Hay and Straw                                      6.920         10,115
        Ground Nuta .                                             1,400          5,930
        Gunny Bag*, empty .                                       3,740         14,650
        Hardware and Glassware                                   17,400         16510
        Henna                                                     1.715          7,469
        Hides and Skins                                           3.900          2,020
        Iron and Ironware                                         7,190         14,162
        Kerosene Oil                g3u.            184
        Lamb Skin*                  Value                                      1.20,800
        Lime .   •   •              Cwt.     515    425    704    1,030           900
        Lira**, I>ried .                     335    423    394    5,565          7.880
        Machinery                   Value                          312           1.330
        Mat*                                                      8,654         19,036
        Matches .                                                54,320  13,330
        Metals .                                                  2.010
        Motor Car*                  Nos.      I              2     500           1,560
        Nut*, dessert               Value                                         831
        Oil, Crude                                                1,145  38,340   2,436
        Oil. Fi.h .                  99                          16.440  7.4 IS   41.094
        Oil, Other sorts             99                           1.780         7.454
        Old Clothing                 99                                  3,400
        Onion*                      Cwt.    1,705  2,807  5,268   5,229  11,624  12,660
        Pepper, Black .                       15                   250
        Piece-goods                 Value                        17.900  9.450  25460
        Pulses .                    Cwt.    6,316  4,923  6,049  17,122  19,654  16,916
        Rafter* .                   Value                        23,121  85,725  96,640
        Reeds                        99                           1,050  1,640   3,101
        Rice                        Cwt.   11,220  4412   21,296  59,840  23,263  lMJMt
        Rom Water .                 Value                         1.800  6.020   3,912
   474   475   476   477   478   479   480   481   482   483   484