Page 476 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 476

                                                  TABLE D-(OUUL
                    Imports of Principal Articles by Steamers during the years 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-3S-r0,./,/.

                                                           Quantity.              Valve.
                             NAXES or OSCNTBIES ITIOJI WHICH
                    AlTTKXEf ANP
                                                    1030.37  1037-38  1938-39  1930-37  1937..W  103S3!*
                                                                           R».     Its.    n«.
                   Hinlvirr and GUmirt—                                   2,75,700  .730. K 7.7
                    India .                   Value.                       13.000         •*.•*"090
                    Arab Coast .               •»                          11.2.70  3.5Q0
                                                                                    1 .oc«u
                    refill) Co»ft                                          11.5.70   7.41*0   3.200
                    Iraq •                                                1,17.300   L-V».240
                    Othrr Countries .                             172.900
                    Japan .                                                70.0.70  .70.71*0  3,21.<100
                    United Kingdom .                                                      M.440
                   Iron and Ironware—
                    India .                    to                           2,0!«3  2.489  3.1.70
                    IPW| .                                                 14..74.7
                    Other Countries .                                              •7,3' *0  •3.9.72
                   Machinery—                                                       1.0.Vi
                     United Kingdom .          »•
                    India .                                                  140   2,370    GOO
                    Other Countries .          rt                                          •i.f»00
                    United Kingdom .                                        7,700
                    Other Countries                                        03.030   82,0.70  .7.873
                    Japan                                                   8.2-V*  C.2f*0
                     India......................................  99                6*>4   3,025
                   Motor Car*. Cycles and Accessories—
                     India .....             . Nos.     20     29     33   46,800  G1.5O0  82.2.70
                     Iraq......................................  2  .7      3,000  0,-700
                     Other Countries .         99       15            27   22,-700  1,500  74.200
                     United Kingdom . jpjp£-?v |                                           1.700
                   Nuts, dessert-
                     other Countries .       . Value.                              2,502
                   Oil. Kerosene—
                     Persian Coast          . Galls.  111,156  12-7,108  133,248  55,578  60,5.74  60,642
                   Oil. Crude—
                     Persian Coast           . Value.                       2,610          5,640
                   Oil. Other Sorts—
                     India .                                                *. •   15,000
                     Persian Coast             99                                  21,840  16,380
                     Other Countries .         99                                  15,000
                     United Kingdom .                                                320    075
                     Japan                     99                                  13,212
                    Old Clothing—
                     India .    .              99                           4,850  8,330   7,500
                     United Kingdom .                                       3,000  4,4.70
                     India                     Cwt,   2,518  1,884   2,622  10,072  7,536  14,126
                     Persian Coast                      40     30            200     120
                    Paints and Colours—
                     Ja                      . Value.                                       m
                     OtEer Countries .                                       600

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