Page 478 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 478
TABLE D—rontd.
Import* of Principal Article* by Steamer* during tbe year* 1936-37. 1937-38 and 1938-39—«>«cU.
Articles *50 kames orcocsnuo rnoM which
1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1936 37 1937-38 1936-39
Ra. B->. R*.
Cwts 743 ! 2.249 •2.719 37.150 13096 184,340
I 1.125 235 39.375 15.300
»i mine* 100 I 451 5.000 27 .WO
Timber— 070
India Value 12.145 2.099
Other Countries 3.590
India Cwt. 1.752 1.004 *31 S.7G0 lO.tUO 2.7 Hi
Iraq 16 I -200
Other Count nr* 1.018 044 5.01*0 9.440 3.020
Other Countries Value ! i 5 3.400
Vegetable Products— s
India . s 20,124 i 5.811
Iraq • I 2.040
Other Countries • 9 792 12.6ns
Japan . 4.812 3.000
Persian Coart. 5.592
Wheat Flour—
India Cat. 368 :u9 l-2«2 1.960 2.034 3.7H6
Articles not specified abor<
India . Value 930 rt.530
Iraq 570
Persian Coart 7.774
Other Countries 580 1,950
United Kingdom 370 2.500
Japan . 250
Total 29.87.013 37.0*5.961 43.90.04*
Import* of Principal Article* by Sailing Craft daring tbe years 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39.
Q CAJtTITT. Value.
Irescrimok or Articlkm.
1936-37 1937-38 1938-39 1936-37 1937-38 1936-39
inim J. and Bird*— Fa. fU. Re.
Camels . Not. 5 250
Cow* 116 101 102 3.450 3.335 2JU0
Donkey* 10 14 400 420
Hawk* . 45 72 450 1,800
6boep and Goat* 1,179 641 S.253 3.206
99 1,156 6,936