Page 474 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 474
TABLE D—<ontd.
Import* of Principal Article, by Steamer, during the year. 1936-37, 1937-38 and 1938-39—r0ht,l.
Qcastitt. Valve.
Airri.'LEf' anp 5a«s or commits mox which
1936 37 1937 38 1938-39 1936-37 1937.38 19.1K.3H
Ks. Ka. Ha.
Hardware and Glassware— 2,75,7i*» *.30. ST.", •*.■*"•090
India . Value. 13.000 3.500
Arab Coast . 11,2.70 1.000 -7.200
IVrsian Coaat 11 ,550 7. too
I r»q • • • 1.17.300 85.7.70 L.Vi.240
Other Countries . »* 1.20,1.70 172.JK8I
Japan . •V 70.0.70 .VI.7MI 7.21.100
United Kingdom .
Iron and Ironware— 2.09.7 2.41>9
India . to 10 •7.170
Ir»*| ft 14,743 5.3«»0
Other Countries «.932
Machinery— l.o.Vi
United Kingdom . I*
India . 140 2,370 I'/tO
Other Countries . rt •*.900
Matches— 7.7(?)
United Kingdom . 93.930
Other Countries . 8,250 82,9 V) .7.875
Jajan .
Metal) 604
India....................................... rr 3,1*25
Motor Carr, Cycle* *nd Acccieorics—
India...................................... . No*. 26 29 33 46,800 6I.VK) 82,230
Ira«|...................................... 2 .7
Other Countries . • f 15 1 27 22,.300 I ,500 74.200
United Kingdom ... 1,700
Nut?, de?sert—
Other Countries . . Value. 2,502
Oil. Kerosene—
Persian Coast . GaBs. 111,156 125,108 133,248 55,578 60,554 CO,642
OiL Crude—
Persian Coast . Value. 2,610 5,640
OiL Other Sort*—
India . v 15.900
Persian Coart r* 21,840 16,380
Other Countrie* . 15,000
United Kingdom , 99 320 975
Japan 99 13,212
Old Clothing—
India . 4,850 8.150 7,500
United Kingdom . 3,000 4.450
India . . Cwt. 2,618 1,884 2,622 10,072 7,536 14.126
Persian Coast • 40 30 200 120
Paint a and Colour*—
Japan . . Value. 375
Other Co on trim . 99 600