Page 470 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 470
List of Prominent Merchants.
(C) Taxation.
No change.
Name. Line. Remark*
(D) Military.
(E) Agriculture. 1. AMur Rahman Mu Vl'Mwtlt deafer in One <4 the ricu.-
Muhammad Mu
rice. «uj«. lea.
Bahar. matrlier. |*~cr- ^ Meal
No change. ipmIv etc.
(F) Industry. 2. Mutiammad and Ovw<w -hippiiwt DiUo. .
Thunayyan •! trade.
(i) General.—No change. Uhanlm.
(ii) Development of Mines.--The drilling of oil 3. Agmad bio Muluin- Cuoltartnr and
deafer in ruarlii-
mad al GhaHtn.
wells in the search for a productive field continued. wary.
I. Yuxuf bin I*«a and Rfee. tea. onr.
(G) Communications and Transport. Brother*. etc.
(»') General.So change except that motor lorries
arc gradually ousting tbc camel on the main route*. 5. Abdul Karim Abut Ditto.
(ii) Air Serviee.—Imperial .Airways started to
call again at Kuwait towards the close of the period 6. Sultan bin 1**8 Ditto.
under report.
7. Sayld All Mi> .-avid Ditto
(H) Sod&L Su la I man.
(») Standard of living.—No change. M. Muliainmad >ai d Ditto Ow the r.iheat
(ii) Employment.—No change. Muhammad /a. oT local mex-
(Hi) Evidence of emigration.—No change. *. Muhxramad *Aq|| Ditto Ditto.
Muhammad Z»-
(?r) Municipal Services.—No change. man.
10. Abdul Arix al W»..l»-a|r ijoW in
Gandi ;»ip*c-cooda.
PART IIL 11. Abl ■ «* Mu Mina Ditto.
12. Al>dul Itedha bin Wl»n>ul« deafer in
Ratt. m llaun al Mutaw- tiardware and
Month. VO Marla 13. Abdul Axiz bln Paint*. tackle* and
Thereat Sovereign. Uutaln al Ha- ironware in
DMIar*. mar. renerul.
14. Uajl Muhammad General merdaoU
Hu>ain Behbe- and Steamship
V*. a r. B». a. r. haul A Son*. Agent*.
April. 1»* . 102 0 0 22 12 0 IS. Yoauf Muhammad GeaaeraJ merchant
Huaa In Behbe- and Radio*
haul. Agent.
M»y. 1*36 lot 0 o 22 U O
16. Zald bln Sirhan Dealer In perfi
and ahoes.
June. 1*38 100 0 O 22 10 O
17. Kbulid Un Yneuf Deafer In perfi
July. 1*36 100 0 0 22 14 0 al MuUwva*.
Augnat. 193S . 100 0 0 23 0 0 18. MewN. General ________
A Bona. dine. prorlaiona,
rartoa, ---------
September, 1938 MOO 23 • • piaooea. etc.
10. Muhammad Kafl' Bheydea, pi
October. 1*38 86 0 0 23 0 0 bln H uaala Beh- and general
Kov amber, 1*30 « 0 0 23 0 O
20. Abdar Raaul Hall PraiUiou, eipnt'
Dacembar. 1*60 66 0 0 23 12 O Facaj. lea. radio acta, ate.
<-e. ,J2
January. 1100 04 0 o 23 12 • 21. Meaara. Baieb Jauml General
A Co.
February. 1009 66 0 0 23 10 • hardware and
Mari*. 130# . 65 0 0 23 10 0
Not t. —Bine* Ka wait D a amaJJ town, the edilia^a •* ft
wlU au >(Bre for eorreapondence purpoaai.