Page 469 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 469
Report on the Trade of Kuwait for the year 1938-39
(1st April 1938 to 31st March 1939).
Major A. C. Galloway, O.B.E.,
Political A^cnt, Kuwait-
13. JSxport*.—Exports by sea valued at
Rs. 22,50,564 showing a very .slight decrease over
last years figuro which was Rs. 23,20,075.
1. General. 1 Export trade was made up as follows:—
2. Currency. Sec Trade Report 33 85 per cent to India, 38 90 per cent to the
Arab Coast, 1816 per cent, to Iraq and 9 09
3. Weight* and Measures. J for 1937-38. per cent to the Persian Coast.
14. Ha in /all.—
4. Pearl Fishing.—
November. 1938 0 04
Total catch during 1938-39 was valued at Rs. LVomber, 1JC3 1*41
January, 1933 076
5. Customs Administration an February, 1939 2-62
Lighterage. 1 March, 1939 <r28
6. Sta Fishrrics—
15. Public Health.—Health on the whole was
7. Freight, Shipping and Had- I See Trade Re good and there were no epidemics during the year.
gallon. port for
8. Communications. 1937-38.
9. Boat Building.—
(A) Trade.
A total of 11 large boats valued at between 1. General Conditions.—These did not change
twelve and thirty thousand rupees each were built materially daring the year from past years. The
at Kuwait during tLc period under review. A Kuwait Oil Company continued drilling but had
very large number of smaller boats built are not not established themselves on a commercial basis
accounted for. by the end of the year.
10. Labour.—Average price of labour as for 2. New Items of Trade.—Nil.
previous years. 3. Foreign Competition.—A Syrian concern to
11. The. year 1938-09.—The figures for the year sell Brazilian coffee was opened, which, together
6how that trade continued at much the same level with one Indian General Store and a few Indian
as last year. There was a slight increase in imports tailors comprises the sum total of foreign com
and exports fell of slightly. petition.
12. Imports.—Total imports by sea valued 4. Russian*.—No trade with Kuwait.
Rs. 6,829,706 showing an increase of 5'14 per cent 5. Jojianese and their methods.—As reported in
over the previous year's figure.
rejwrt for 1936-37 and 1937-38.
Analysis shows that 45 06 per cent of the imports
were from India, 10 81 per cent from Iraq, 15 59 (B) Financial.
per cent from the Persian Coast, 9-02 per cent No bank has been opened. The more important
from the United Kingdom, 581 per cent from merchants continued to act as bankers vis-d-vis
JapaD, 5 80 per cent from the Arab Coast and 7 91 small traders. Other business is conducted through
per cent from other countries. the banks in Basra.