Page 534 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 534


          AIR TAIL.
          From - The Political Agent, Kuwait,
          To - Tne    Additional Deputy Secretary to the Go vernment. of India in
                     the External Affairs Department, New Delhi.
          L'emoranduci ::o . 126- 27/12.
          Dated Kuwait, the 8th February, 1942.
                         Reference your memorandum NO.D.5921-N/41, dated the
          17 th December, 1941.
          2.             The correct figures are:-
                         I TT^.'S IN THR I7JTf.IT TPAD? REPORT FOR 1939-40 FOR
                            T.-ifQn iJ-jrAlCs u? UJrl        rz. ;,0: l. SUPPIltD.
                                    II7QRTS INTO KtT.VAIT.

          Year          Article             Correct                   Details.

          (by steamer) Onions (cwt)          1914       India...............  1884
                                                        Persian Coast • • • •»  30
                          Cotton (£)         9240       India...............
                                                        Arab Coast...       88
          1937-3S .       Coif an
          (by sailing;    rope              72995       Aral? Coast...
              crait)                                    India...............
                          Edible seeds (Ss) 510         Persian Coast        430
                                                        Iraq.................  30
          1939-4Q         Salt     (cwt)       Hil _
          (by sailing
            J craft)
                                 EXPORTS FRO:- XU77ATT.
          (by steamer) Dates (Pz)            4320       Arab Coast ...............^0
                                                        India.  countries!II283$
                             II ITO! ITE^S IN7 THE KU77ATT T2ADE PIFOST FOR  1938
                                  jpgizc-.a* m restect- of wnirh norrentions nave
                                  not been supplied
          1936-37 Iqiport
          into- Kutait      Oil, fish (fc) 16150 '       Arab Coast....15250
          (ff. craft).                                   Other Countries.. 900

                                                       Sd/-T.Hickinbotham, r .
                                                    Political Agent, Kuwait.?01*

          Hon'ble taeProlitical0Hesii^tCinPMe^ersian Gu?f^BusnirX            to the
   529   530   531   532   533   534   535   536   537   538   539