Page 539 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 539



        (2) Motor Transport                                 (F) Social.
                                                (1) General.
          Goods arc carried by motor lorry to Riyadh   The standard of living remains comparatively
        in Saudi Arabia, and passengers to the above   high an 1 the cost of living higher still at the end
        mentioned town and also to Zubair and Basrah   of the year. Wag s stood at 400% to 10)%
        in Iraq. The average charges for transport of   above pre-war IcvcL All available labour was
        yoods to Riyadh, both summer and wintr, was   in fuU employment generally, owing largely to
        Rs. 21 pr hundredweight and passcng-J*s rates   the barge-building activities of the I.W.T.
        averaged Rs. *28 to Riyadh and Ks. 15 and Rs. 20   The Municipal Committee is responsible for
        respectively to Zubair and Basrah.
                                                the maintenance and cleanliness of the roads and
                                                the sanitary condition of the markets. The
          There arc no fixed rates for camel transport.
                                                Cjmmitt-*e arc also concerned with watch and
                                                ward which is financed by a municipal tax of
          No air service now calls at Kuwait.
                                                annas two per tin of petrol and a house tax of
          (3) Roads,                            rupees one annas four for large shops, houses
                                                or godowns, and annas twelve for those of smaller
           A new road has been constructed running from sixe.
        His Highness’ D.sman Balace, on ae East through (2) Lighting etc.
        tLc town and ends at the Jalira gate, at the West­  Thc town is supplied with electricity by a
        ern end. It is the first asphaked road in Kuwait
                                                private company at the rate of annas six a unit
        and was constructed by the Kuwait Oil Com-  for light and annas four for power. There is
                                                also an ice factory which has worked satisfac­
         (4) Communications.
                                                (3) Elucalum.
          The new Kuwait-Basrah telegraph line is
         now  in good order and it is being operated by the   The Kuwait Government maintain four boys
         Indian Post and Telegraph Department..  schools and two girls schools in the capital and
                                               four boys schools in the villages. The teaching
          Messrs. Cable and Wireless Limited have con­
        tinued to operate their public wireless telegraphy   staff is largely recruited from Syria and Egypt.
                                               There are ten Egyptian male teachers, two Egyp­
        service efficiently.
                                               tian female teachers and nine Syrian female
          Tl.e Tost and Telegraph Department of the ‘<^e« engaged b/ Kuwait Education De-
        Covemment of India U,ok charge of .he Kuwait P*rtmcnt- In a^d.t.on * the Government school-
         rest OlHcc in February, W2, and are still   “C some twenty Quraan achooU m the
        operating it. Mails arc carried to and from
        Basrah twice weekly by the Ruwait-Zebdir         (Sgd.) M.P.O’C. TANDV, Major,
        Motor Transport Company.                                Political Agent, Kuwait.


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