Page 541 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 541
TABLE “ D *\
Imports o! principal articles by Steamers daring the year 1943-41
Articles and munoe of countries ftcm which imported. Quantity. Vnluo.
At*arl . . India 319 1,47.510
Barley . . Iraq 2.412 j 00,300
India 9,445 « 2,36,125
CnfTcc ■ ■ > . India 2.107 | 3,79,20*1
Cylinders . . . India 3, GOO
Ckijiuta • . . India 1.500
Cotton . . India 3.23, r> 40
Cigarettes . . . India 60.800
Cat <l.i mum . . India 25,48,500
Cupl>oarda and tabic* . India 5.400
Coir mat* . India 17,630
Dfors and window* . India 18,MM
Hiur . . . . India 11,948 I 3,82,336
Gnundnuta . . India 1.047 , 20,940
Gunny bags India 100 ! 3,000
Iron Hcrap • . India 23 ) 2,300
Limb skins . . . India 33 3(1,600
Matches < . India 133 42,500
Motor cars . • . India 5 I 15.0K>
Motnr rycks • . India A * 3,0')0
10 i
Maniocs - • . India 09 , 3.450
Machinery - • . Iran I ! 700
Iudia 18 30.000
Millet . . Iraq 1,000 10.000
Malic . • • . Iraq 1.000 10,000
Oil, Engine . . . Iran lie ; 5, MM
Oil, crude . • . Iran 058 6,580
Oil, Korosono . Iran 64,558 1,29,116
Oil, Kcaome . • . India 9 i 90
Piece-goods - . India 650 ! 1,95,(KM
Petrol . - . . Iran 05,470 1 1,90,437
Prawns . - . India CO 900
Potatoes and onions . India 520 13.000
Rice . • • . India 3,952 1.18.500
Radios . - < . India 1 1,50(1
Sugar . - • . India 19.494 12,67.110
Sir-a mo . . . . India 600 15.090
Silk . India 896 26.8S.0.HJ
Soap • • • . India 864 38.880
ScUi . ... . India 161 2.41.500
Tubes (cars & bicycles) . India 53 13,250
Tyres (cars & bicycles) . India 246 2,19,000
Tern . India 3,269 9,80,700
•Tobacco . India 400 30.000
Tannerio . India 482 24.100
Timber . . Iran 1,378 23,070
Vegetable gh«* . India 1,724 23,800
Wheat . • India 1.10,125 38.54,375
Total 1,44,56,099
Imports ol principal articles by sailing craft daring the year 1943-44.
Articles and name* of countries from which imported. Quantity. Value.
AtUrl Arab ooast 222 34,800
Various countries 220 J 3.200
India 224 14,280
Barley Iraq 5,075 1,26,875
Brides Iran 5.000 250
Beans Arab coast , 2,509 54,225