Page 543 - 4 Persian Trade rep KUWAIT 2_Neat
P. 543


  i                                  TABLE “ E contd.
                        Articles and names of countries lo which exported.  Quantity.  Value.
        Bilk                                        Arab coact           23   69.000
                                                    Iraq                  8   24,090
                                                    India               9G2  68,92,««0
        Bosp                                        Arab coast           45    3.600
                                                    India               225   13.000
        Balt                                        Iran   .             54     210
        Bplit bamboo                                India              3,635  21,M0
        Butli .   .                                 India   .           120  1,S9,(K)0
        Bboep .        4                            Iras               1,250  iW.OJO
        Tobacco                                     Arab coast          635   47,025
        Tea                                         Arab coast          260   8**,700
        Tamarind .                                  India              2,732  81,960
        Timber .   .                                India               139    1,.S!K>
        Tar .  .                                    Arab coast          595   3,950
        Turmeric                                    India               G92   34,6«;0
        Vegetable ghoo                              India              4,TOG   71,490
        Wheat .                                     Iraq               10,6*9   3,72,715
        White wash .                                Arab coast         1,122  11,220
                                                    India               100   1,090
                                                          Total             1,57,90,819
                                       TABLE “ F ”
                    Exports of principal articles by sailing craft daring the year 1S43-44.

                     Artioles and names of countries to which exported.  Quantity.  Value.

        Coffee                                                        2.609  2,60.900
        Cardamom                                                       72     14,400
        Groundnuts                                                     439    7,335
        Pulses .                                                       35      350
        Rice .                                                         18      300
        Wheat .                                                        20      400
        Flour .                                                         2       GO
        Picoe-goods                                                    224    56.000
        Cotton .                                                       85     21,250
        Attsri .                                                       675    32.850
        Wool * Satli                                                   927    92,700
        Arab cloaks                                                    261   1,30,500
        Carpets                                                         5     10.000
        Gunny bags                                                     195    5,850
        Empty tins                                                      8      400
        Boap                                                           195    3,800
        Tea                                                            399   1,95,600
        Paper .                                                         a      450
        Coir                                                          U07     22,140
        Chsndols                                                       50     1.500
        Tamarind                                                       62     1,800
        Fht                                                            203    2,030
        Finhoil                                                        21      210
        Bourne oil                                                     174    1,740
        Driod fish                                                     20I    3,010
        Tolwcco                                                        222    5,550
        Dates .                                      Arabian coast    3,647  67,705
        Dates »                                      Various countries  940  14,100
                                                           Total            9.43,050

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