Page 221 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 221

     G (3).
     from Litigah.
                                              AVUHM.K KOK TIIB
          I89J.     1.00.     1901.     1(0].   I'KKCKOINQ 5   1903.  I  1904.  IW.
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             Rs.       R«.       Rs.       Rs.       R>.       Rs.       R«.      Ra.

                                     cwls.     cwts      carts.    carl is.
       twK       CWtS.                 5o       4.000     7.500      £00
       3.700  93.535  3,170  68,750  3.V43  73.575
       bales     bat les   bales     bales     Bales.     bales    bales
        6:0  3,ii.i6°  877  3.93.400  733  3,47,000  • 14  540  fill  301
       cwls      cwts.     cwts.  50,000  32,500  cwts.  cwls.     cwts.
       30,000  99.975  30,000  1,20,000  13,500  5<4°o
       cwts.     cwts.     cwts.     cwls.     cwts      cwts.     cwts
       3.47*1  38,8:0  3,970  34.450  3,395  16,700  3.10  O^o  620  8a8
       cwts.     cwts.     cwt*.     cwts.     cwts.     cwts.     cwts.
      198.5531  II.03/H0  10,100  44.1*0  108,330  7.35.550  167,630  134,30©  138,300  110,635

           33.99.900  37,50,000  40,13,500  8,30,000  3.15,coo  49.05.000  6,33,800
       Cwt ts.   cwls.               cwts.     cwts.     cwts.     cwts.
        £00  40,005  1,850  69.375  cwts.  65,000  34.305  19.585  28,560  *o,v93
       cwts.     cwts.               cwts.     cwls.     cwti.     cwts.
       4.130  79.735  2,900  51,000  cwts.  92,000  7,200  6,125  S.fioo  4.753
       cwts      cwts.                         cwts.      cwt ts.  cwts.
        660  19,800  380  *1,400  1,035  33,530  cwts.  650  833     500

       cwt*.    Tout of
      Total of   loaf and  Total of  Total of   83/303  cwt*.
      loaf and   soft.  loaf and  loaf and
        aoft.         soft.  soft
       cases.              cases     cwts.     cwts.
         39  3,600  cases.  3,040  73  4.330  »«5  40
       cwts.     cwts.     cwts.     cwts.     cwts.     cwts.      cwts.
       *.401  *7*505  5.300  S7,ooo  65.4*5  1,16,030  5.500  3,000  3,600  3440

       bundles  bundles    bundle’    Pl»«j     pkgs.     plcgs.
         69  72,105  89  93.000  ISO  *,33.500  6,000  *35  3,500  105  3.500  3.000
           *6,35,480  33*  30,33,000  30,30,000  20.60,000

           83.79.775  70,33,975  90.44,7*0
   216   217   218   219   220   221   222   223   224   225   226