Page 224 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 224
Principal Exports
I8flj. 1894. 189s. 1896. 189;. >898.
Article*. *
1 1 i i I I 1 i s
& 2 1 5 a 2 2 I 2
Ra. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
bundles bundles bundles bundles pkKS pi<e*.
Cotton pods ... so 30,000 148 44^oo 96 a8,9oo 176 43,660 ‘■*6 33.970 *54 61,600
cwts. cwt IS. cwt ts. cwts. cwts. cwts.
Cotton, n* ■4.37* 1,73,330 7. 160 1,31,600 10, 316 3,04,330 8,700 1,47.900 6.6731 63.883 1.843 35,830
C»ts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts.
Dates 110,000 3.10*00 13 >,000 4,30,000 100,009 7,00,000 90,000 3,44,000 80,000 33,000 69,000 3,10,500
cuts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts.
Drop and medicines 7.195 1,85,930 I3*5*t 3*7,630 14,360 4,39.360 8,968 >,59.485 16,195 3,33,003 33,371 4.00,360
cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts.
Fruits and vegetables 74.884 8,16,390 75.050 8,64,960 64,036 9,14.730 53**9 5,05.301 17.530 3,10,340 14,688 3.JO.J30
chests chests chests chests chests
Opium 743 5.94.400 875 7,oo>ooo 7JS 8.73.Goo 474 4.74000 1,3:6 10,38,800 567 5.67.000
cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cuts
5.000 >,S7»500 6,010 3,10,090 8,o;o 2,15,610 1.035 37.675 703 8,280 381 6.600
tons tens tons tons tons tons
Salt 15.000 30,000 35,000 50*00 30*00 60,000 25,000 50,000 28,«oo 70,000 35,000 87.500
bundles bundles bundle ei bundles bundlos bundles
SOlc, raw 30 10*00 61 61*00 J8 38,000 3 4.000 5 3,000 35 35*00
buodles bundles bundles bundles bundles
Silk, manu {adores of 54 54,000 64 64,000 119 95*oo IJ5 75.700 50 35.000
cwts. Cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts.'
Tobacco 3.000 18,750 3.300 17,500 3,200 33,000 100 1*00 3,060 37.540 800 104oO
cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts.
Wool 19.777 5*9.090 31*13 845*00 38*8? 1*74.300 15*00 3.80,400 14.355 3.15.790 15.106 3,9«43o
bundles bundles bundl lies bundles bundles
Woollen goods 580 3.36,800 691 3,73,600 649 36,31430 136 i45,5oo 376 1,49,600 370 1*0,000
Specie 3*8,950 340,638 3.60,900 4*5,oio 3.06,331 3,4*100
Total of all exports including the 39*1*30 48.7M70 58*8,560 30,63,503 36*3,672 39.86.430