Page 294 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 294
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(2) With regard to flags.—It had always been usual for the Naval Com
manders to allow the Resident and the Political Agent, Maskat, when on duty on
board Her Majesty’s ships to display the (lag they arc authorized to fly on shore
! Notification No. 2519*0., dated 15th December 1875). There was no special
authority for this practice, which rested on long usage, and was wholly dependent
on the courtesy and consideration for the public interests of the Naval Com
manders, who knew the advantage and convenience of the custom. The Resident
thought that this was of greater practical importance to keep up than salutes,
as it not only supported the political officers morally, but was useful in showing
the inhabitants, the Agents, &c., when they were in the neighbourhood, and
notifying their tour all round tho coast.
97. The new naval order of 1879* about salutes gave a list of certain salutes
to be fired for particular Chiefs, and directed—
“These salutes (with the exception of that to the Sultan of Maskat) arc to be fired by
Her Majesty’s ships, though they may have less than ten guns, but no other salute is to be
fired by any oj Her Majesty's ships in the Persian GulJ\ carrying less than ten guns, ex
cept at the express request oj the Political Resident.”
98. With reference to this order Major Euan Smith recommended that all
gun-boats should salute the Sultan of Maskat’s flag once a year, as had always
been done, as well as on first arrival at Maskat.
In this suggestion Colonel Ross concurred, as the Sultan would feel hurt if
the salute were not continued.
99. On the same subject Mr. Robertson observed :—
(1) That the Shaikh of Koweit was not included in the list, but he recom
mended that he should be given five guns.
(2) Haji Jabir Khan, Governor of Mohammerah, only got five guns, but he
had always received nine.
(3) As regards salutes generally, Mr. Robertson ,recommended that the
power of requisitioning a salute should not be confined to the Resident alone, but
should be extended to other political officers, who might request salutes up to
nine guns when necessary.
In this last suggestion Colonel Ross agreed, and recommended that the
power of requisition should be extended to the Political Agent, Maskat, Political
Agent, Turkish Arabia, and Assistant Political Agent, Basrah.
• Table of salutes.
Ntmes. No. of guns. Rs MARKS.
Sultan of Maskat fll Under sanction of Government.
Chief of Bahrein 5 In accordance with custom on visiting Gov
ernment veisels.
,t „ Abu Thabi ... S Ditto.
„ „ Debay 3 Ditto.
„ „ Umre-ul-Kowein ... 3 Ditto.
11 n Ajman ... 3 Ditto.
,• 1, Shargah ... •tt 3 Ditto.
„ Ras'ul-Khywah ... 3 Ditto.
Arab Governor of Bandar Abbas 5 Ditto.
*» Lingah S Ditto.
If H Mohammerah 5 Ditto.