Page 407 - Gulf Precis(VIII)_Neat
P. 407
293* As regards the Koweit harbour, Rear-Admiral Atkinson VVilles asked
that a survey might be made at the same
Secret E., February >9* .. Noi. 753—808.
time of Khor Abdulla as far as the bar
east of the island of v'/arba, but including the channel round Bubiyan. Lord
Curzon and Rear-Admiral Atkinson Willes had examined this Khor during their
visit to Koweit, the‘result of which was the despatch to the Secretary of
State, No. 25, dated 4th February 1904, in (see Koweit Precis, Chapter XXXV).
Our ships had also on several occasions recently visited the Khor, and in
August 1904 Commander Kemp had for
Ibid, No. 759, warded sketches showing the result of the
observations taken by the Sphinx in the
Khor during a recent visit. The Government of India considered the survey
very desirable and asked the Secretary of State to know whether there were any
serious objections to the proposal. The survey would be conducted without
unnecessary parade and would stop several miles short of the Turkish port at
Umkasr, and as wc claim an equal right of access to the Khor as the Turks,
the Government of India did not think that Turkish objections need prevent the
work being undertaken (Viceroy’s telegram to the Secretary of State, dated 19th
August 1904).
294. Sir N. O'Conor thought that much could not be gained by abstaining
Secret b.. February 1905. Noi. U9«is« (No. from surveying the Khor Abdulla and the
*4941- Bubyan island channel out of a compla
cency to Turkey, while on the other hand having in mind the disputed owner
ship of the island, we should, if anything, gain something by making evident to
the Turks our views in regard to that question (Despatch, dated 19th September
395. The Investigator, however, returned in December 1904 to Bombay
without making a survey of the Koweit Harbour, owing to the outbreak of
beri-beri among the crew.
296. It was sent again in March 1905. In the first instance under instruc
tions from the Government of India, Marine Department, the officer in charge
of the Marine Survey of India submitted in April 1905 a report on the position
and requirements of a protected boat harbour at Koweit, which concludes with
the opinion that the necessity for a protected boat harbour available at all
times of tide does not appear to be so pressing as when Commander Kemp made
his suggestions. A shelter fulfilling these requirements would entail the extension
of the existing boat harbours 400 yards seaward, and improving the construction
of the walls which would make them costly in comparison to the trade of the
Port. A well sheltered harbour already exists at a distance if a or 3 miles from
Koweit which could be used by boats and, if properly marked, by ships of
moderate draught.
A survey of the Koweit harbour bay was made in the months of March and
_ „ April. A number of flags had to be planted
round the bay for the purpose, which were
»nd*4). misrepresented by the Turkish officials as
intended in view of building forts, etc. The Foreign Minister at the Porte con
tended that this was disturbing the status quo. The British Ambassador ex
plained the real purpose of planting the flags.
(ii) Survey of Khor Kaliya,
297. The Government of India also thought it necessary that a survey should
be made of KhorKaliya, a lagoon to the
Secret E„ Februay 1905, Not. 753-808.
southward of the Muharrak island, which
from a note of Mr. J. G. Lorimer, dated 10th August 1904, appeared to possess,
possibilities of a good harbour.
The Redbreast was accordingly ordered by the Naval Commander-in-
Secret e., February 1905, Noi. 1491*1522. (No. Chief to survey Khor Kaliya.