Page 310 - Life of Gertrude Bell
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284               NOTES TO PAGES 184-96
                    184      Sharif’s proclamation, FO 882.
                    185      French view of Anglo-Arab negotiations. M. Paul Cambon
                             to Lord Grey of Fallodon, Nov. 27th, 1916, FO 882.
                    185      Lawrence. Sec Aldington, Lawrence of Arabia', Kcdouric,
                             England and the Middle East and In the Anglo-Arab Labyrinth;
                             Stewart, The Middle East: the Temple of Janus.
                    185      War Committee. Proceedings July 6th, 1916, L/P&S/10/
                             598 document 2793, and CAB/42/16.
                    186      Sykes and India Office. L/P&S/10/586, minute to S. of S.,
                    187      Sirdar, Simla, ibid.
                    187      Durbar in Kuwait, BL, CEB. FO 371/395, and L/P&S/10/
                             657. Basra, Arab Bulletin No. 38, Jan. 12th, 1917.
                    188      Relations with Bin Saud, L/P&S/10/576-586, 657, 658. See
                             Wilson, op. cit. and Philby, Arabian Days, p. 140 ct seq.
                    190      Letters, BL, CEB.

                    18 Iraq

                    191      War. See Official History.
                    191      Maude, BL. Also Wilson, Loyalties and Murphy, Soldiers of
                             the Prophet.
                    191      Personalities, BL, CEB. Also Monroe, Philby of Arabia.
                    192-3    Letters, BL, CEB.
                    193      Baghdad, BL, CEB. For roles of Mark Sykes, Austen
                             Chamberlain, Curzon, Hardinge and Milner in drafting
                             Baghdad proclamation, see Adelson, Mark Sykes: Portrait
                             of an Amateur, p. 223-4.
                   194       Arab Bulletin. Foreign Office Library and 10. Gertrude’s
                             major contributions collected in Cornwallis, The Arab War.
                   194       Treasury attitude and amounts of money involved, FO 882
                             and L/P&S/576 which show payments of £50,000 and
                             £150,000 per month. WO 33/969 (secret report from mili­
                             tary intelligence) says £250,000 a month.
                   i95       McMahon testimonials, FO 371.
                   196       Sayid Talib. Note from Shakespear to Hirtzel, June 26th,
                             1916, L/P&S/10/385: ‘The man is a strong, wilful, utterly
                             unsc rupulous character usually heavily in debt and therefore
                   196       Lawrence and Talib, FO 882. Also the Letters of TEL,
                             p. 265, Britain engaged in secret talks with Talib and al
                             Masri before Kitchener’s contact with Sharif, in pursuance
                             of policy of ‘division of Islam’.
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