Page 314 - Life of Gertrude Bell
P. 314
288 NOTES TO PAGES 229-34
20 Faisal’s Kingdom
229 Review of the Civil Administration of Mesopotamia, 10 Parlia
mentary Papers C. Vol. 51 Cmd. 1061.
230 Letters, BL, CEB.
230-4 Provisional government. A detailed and authoritative
account of the setting up of government in post-war Iraq
and the constitutional problems involved is given in
Longrigg, Iraq 1900 to 19jo. For summary of events see
chapter by Dobbs, BL p. 439 et seq.
231 Colonial Office. The CO took ‘Arabian’ matters out of the
hands of the 10 and FO in January 1921 and events from
that date are recorded in the Colonial Office Register CO
781. Many of the most important documents of the period
were destroyed under statute after Churchill’s departure in
1922. Where there is no document, the Register summary
is given here. A detailed account of the ‘Sharifian solution’
in Syria and Iraq and of the effect on British policy of
Bolshevik plans and the rise of Mustafa Kamal (Ataturk) is
given in Intelligence Report WO 33/969.
231 Intelligence Summaries, no. 4 onwards, CO 730/1.
231 Sayid Talib, CEB Vol. 2, p. 60. UBL. See also Monroe,
Philby of Arabia, p. 105, quotes GLB, ‘a succes de crime’,
and Philby ‘an accomplished villain’. And Intelligence
Report No. 4, ibid,
232 GLB on Lloyd George and Churchill, CEB,
232 Churchill, The World Crisis: The Aftermath. Meeting of
Naqib’s Council, Intelligence Report 5, Jan. 15 th, 1921.
CO 730/1.
232 Wall slogans. Intelligence Report 6, Jan. 31st, 1921. CO
Message from Churchill, UBL Jan. 10th. Letter forms part
of diary of events sent to HB at this time. Headed ‘Extrem
ist Opposition’.
Meetings with Iraqis, BL, CEB. Also Intelligence Reports
6-9 about candidates for Amirate, CO 730/1.
GLB to HB, CEB. .
Cairo Conference. See Churchill op. cit. Cox in BL,
Letter from Cairo, March 12th, CEB. Wilson was not
managing director of Anglo-Persian Oil Company. He
became M.D. of its managing agency in the Gulf, after a
brief spell as Acting Resident at Bushire.