Page 155 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 155


                 agreed orally to arrangements similar to those made in 1935 in respect of the
                 Agreement which you then concluded with the Anglo-Pcrsian Oil Company. I am
                now therefore to request that you will let me have a reply to this letter confirming
                your agreement to the arrangements set out below: —
                     (i)  Should any of the terms of the Agreement between you and Shell
                          Overseas Exploration Co. Ltd. be inconsistent with or conflicting with
                           the terms of the Agreement between Shell Overseas Exploration
                          Co. Ltd. and Her Majesty’s Government signed on 15th December
                           1952, the Agreement between you and Shell Overseas Exploration
                          Co. Ltd. will, to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency, be
                          subordinate to and controlled by the terms of the Agreement between
                          Shell Overseas Exploration Co. Ltd. and Her Majesty’s Government.
                     (ii)  Should it be necessary, under the terms of Clause 7 of Article 15 of the
                          Agreement between Shell Overseas Exploration Co. Ltd. and Her
                           Majesty’s Government to request you to terminate your Agreement
                          with Shell Overseas Exploration Co. Ltd., you will accept the advice
                          of Her Majesty’s Government in this respect.
                     (iii)  Upon receipt of your confirmation that you understand and agree to these
                           arrangements Shell Overseas Exploration Co. Ltd. will be informed
                          accordingly and you will be notified of Her Majesty’s Government’s
                          approval of your Agreement with the Company.
                     Note.—No repiy to this letter had been received by June 30, 1954.
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