Page 46 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 46

         Letter dated December 8, 1952, from The Bahrein. Petroleum Company to the
               Ruler of Bahrain requesting the latter’s acceptance of the arrangements
               made with regard to the sale price of Crude Oil produced from the
               Bahrain Oil Concession, with endorsement conveying the Ruler’s
             I have the honour to confirm the agreement into which Your Highness and
          The Bahrein Petroleum Company Limited have to-day entered, as follows:
                 (1)  The weighted average of the prices for which crude oil produced and
             extracted from the ground and from under the seabed belonging to Bahrain
             shall be sold, exchanged, or bartered during any taxable year, which prices
             will be a principal factor in computing the Company’s income, shall be the
             weighted average of the prices at which foreign crude oil brought into and
              icfined in Bahrain during the taxable year is purchased f.o.b. pipelines or
              loading ports situated in the Persian Gulf, all prices being determined after
              adjustment for any differences in gravity at rates prevalent in the Persian Gulf.
              No crude oil produced and extracted from the ground or from under the sea­
              bed belonging to Bahrain shall be given away other than that which goes into
              the petrol furnished to the Bahrain Government free of charge in accordance
              with the Supplemental Agreement, dated 8th December, 1952.
                 (2)  If Your Highness should at any time consider that the above prices
              have not been fairly and reasonably arrived at, the Company agrees to review
              the matter with Your Highness.
              The Company will appreciate Your Highness kindly indicating acceptance
          upon the attached duplicate of this letter and returning that duplicate to the
                                              His Highness,
                                                   SHEIKH OF BAHRAIN.

          Letter dated December 8, 1952, from The Bahrein Petroleum Company to the
                Ruler of Bahrain informing the latter of the suspension on, and after
                January 1, 1952, of monthly payments of 5,000,000 rupees made to him
                by the Company, in accordance with their letter of June 28, 1951 (No. 2 (g)
                above), with endorsement conveying the Ruler’s acceptance
              I have the honour to confirm the agreement into which Your Highness and
          The Bahrein Petroleum Company Limited have to-day entered, as follows: —
                  In consideration of the Company’s agreement, contained in Paragraph 1
              of the agreement supplemental to the Mining Lease of 29 December, 1934,
              which Supplemental Agreement was executed to-day, to pay to Your Highness
              a fee of two and one-quarter pence sterling (United Kingdom) per barrel
              in respect of all foreign crude oil brought into and refined in Bahrain on
              and after 1 January, 1952, the Company will make no further voluntary
              payments in accordance with the Company’s letter to Your Highness
              CON-722, dated 28 June, 1951, and all such payments made in respect of
              periods subsequent to 31 December, 1951, shall be credited against, and
              be treated as payments on account of, the Company’s obligation under
              Paragraph 1 at the rate of exchange provided in Paragraph 2 of the Supple­
              mental Agreement.
              The Company will appreciate Your Highness kindly indicating acceptance
          upon the attached duplicate of this letter and returning that duplicate to the
                                              His Highness,
                                                   SHEIKH OF BAHRAIN.
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