Page 85 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
P. 85
Kuwait possesses in the area or territory known as the Kuwait-Saudi Arabia
neutral zone. It is understood that nothing herein contained shall be construed
as in any way prejudicing the special character of the neutral zone, and that none
of the provisions of this agreement, or its execution by the Company, shall be
construed as in any way directly or indirectly limiting or interfering with such
right, title or interest as the Government of Saudi Arabia may possess or hold in
said neutral zone.
In witness whereof Mr. M. R. Wright, C.M.G., on behalf of His Majesty’s
Government and Mr. R. K. Davies, President of the American Independent Oil
Company, have set their hand.
Signed and delivered by
the said Mr. Wright on
behalf of His Majesty’s (Signed) MICHAEL WRIGHT.
Signed and delivered on
behalf of the American
Independent Oil Company (Signed) R. K. DAVIES.
in the presence of
(Signed) Hartley L. Stevens.
Victor Butler.
L. F. L. Pyman.
Letter, dated February 24, 1953, from the American Independent Oil Company
to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs containing Agreement to
certain Undertakings requested by Her Majesty’s Government in connection
with a Proposed Supplementary Agreement* between the above-named
Company and the Ruler of Kuwait redefining the Seaward Limits of the
Offshore Area included in the Concession Agreement of June 28, 1948
(No. 5 above)
As you know, American Independent Oil Company is about to sign a
Supplementary Agreement* with the Shaikh of Kuwait redefining the outward
or seaward limits of the offshore area included in and covered by the Concession
Agreement made at Kuwait on the 28th day of June, 1948, between His Highness
Shaikh Sir Ahmad al-Jabir as-Subah, the then Ruler of Kuwait, and this Company.
Your Government have asked that the Company give certain undertakings in
conjunction with the execution of such Supplementary Agreement. This is written
to comply with that request.
It is understood that notwithstanding anything contained in the Supplementary
Agreement, the following are agreed upon between Her Majesty’s Government and
the Company: —
1. The Company undertake to do nothing to prejudice the fixing of the
boundaries of the seabed area pertaining to the Neutral Zone between
Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.
2. The Company’s operations shall be carried out with due regard to the
character of high seas of the waters overlaying the seabed outside
territorial waters. In particular, the Company shall, in the exercise
of its rights and in the fulfilment of its obligations under the Agree
ments referred to above, interfere to the minimum extent possible with,
and take adequate precautions for, the protection of navigation,
fishing and pearling; and it shall comply with all reasonable require
ments of Her Majesty’s Government and of the competent authorities
of Kuwait (or of the Shaikh’s representatives in the Neutral Zone)
affecting fishing, pearling and the navigation of ships and aircraft.
3. We shall be glad if you will inform us of principles which are at present
recognized by Her Majesty’s Government as the correct principles for
the delimitation of territorial waters.
• Not yet signed.