Page 80 - The Persian Gulf Historical Summaries (1907-1953) Vol III
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                                     Article 9
          The Shaikh grants to the Company free of cost the unrestricted use and
       occupation of and surface rights over all uncultivated land belonging to the Shaikh
       which the Company may need for the purpose of its operations and in particular
       the Company shall have the right to select in consultation with the Shaikh an area
       or areas of land chosen by the Company within the Neutral Zone and/or subject
       to existing prior rights, in Kuwait with exclusive surface rights upon which to erect
       oil refineries, storage, terminal and shipping facilities and any other works required
       for the Company’s operations; and the Company may with the cognisance of the
       Shaikh buy or lease for such purposes any lands, houses or buildings with the
       consent of and on conditions to be arranged with the proprietors thereof but the
       terms of such purchase or lease shall not be in excess of those ordinarily current
       in their respective localities.
          (A)  The Company shall acquire only such land, houses and buildings as are
       necessary for its operations under this Agreement. The Company shall inform
       the Shaikh from time to time of the land, houses and buildings which it requires
       to occupy for its operations; and land, houses and buildings previously acquired
       by the Company from the Shaikh but found no longer necessary for its operations
       shall be returned to the Shaikh free of charge by the Company.
          (B)  The Shaikh shall retain for Himself the right to grant—in consultation
       with the Company—to another Company or Companies operating petroleum areas
       within territories adjoining the Neutral Zone borders the right to lay down pipe­
       lines and to permit such Company or Companies to construct and erect within
       the Neutral Zone territory and across same, the necessary buildings and machinery
       required for the transport in transit or passage over Neutral Zone territory of
      crude oil to a suitable site within the State of Kuwait or said Neutral Zone
      considered convenient for the loading of the said crude oil.
                                     Article 10
          The Shaikh shall give to the Company and its employees and property all
      the protection in His power from theft, highway robbery, assault, wilful damage
      and destruction, and the Company may appoint in consultation with the Shaikh
      and itself pay, trustworthy guards who shall at all times be Kuwait subjects unless
      the Shaikh permits otherwise to assist in protecting the property of the Company
      and its employees. The Company shall erect at its own expense suitable buildings
      for the accommodation of such guards at such places as the Company shall decide.
                                     Article 11
          (A) Before the expiration of the period specified in Article I hereof this Agree­
      ment shall come to an end as provided in Article 3 (b) or by surrender as provided
      in Article 12 or in one of the three following cases: —
          (а)  If the Company shall fail to fulfil its obligations under Article 2 hereof
                in respect of geological and geophysical exploration or drilling.
          (б)  If the Company shall fail within six (6) months after any anniversary of
                the date of signature of this Agreement to make to the Shaikh any
                payments agreed to be due under Article 3.
          (c) If the Company shall be in default under the arbitration provisions of
                Article 18.
          In any of the above-mentioned cases the Shaikh shall be entitled to terminate
      this Agreement and all the property of the Company within the State of Kuwait
      and said Neutral Zone shall become the property of the Shaikh.
                                    Article 12
          (A)  The Company shall have the right at any time after it has drilled the
      4,000 feet provided in Article 2 (B) (i) or after the expiry of 2 years from the date
      of signature of this Agreement—whichever shall be the later date—to give the
       Shaikh one year’s notice in advance to terminate this Agreement and the Company
      shall on expiry of such notice have no further liabilities except to make payment
      of all monies which may be due to the Shaikh up to the date of termination.
          (B)  Should this Agreement be terminated by the Company under this
      Article 12, then: —
          (a) If such termination occurs within 35 years from the date of signature of
                this Agreement all lands granted by the Shaikh and any lands or
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