Page 430 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
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200 metres or to such greater depths as admit of the exploitation of
natural resources”. (Art. 4).
The provisions of this Article are similar to those of Article 1 of
the Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf of 1958.'
Articles 5 and 6 provide for an exclusive fishing zone for the
Sultanate for
“the purposes of exploring, developing and exploiting its living
resources, including but not limited to fish”. (Art.5).
The limit of the exclusive fishing zone is defined as 38 nautical
miles seaward, measured from “the outer limits of the territorial
sea”. (Art. 6)
Article 7 deals with “overlapping jurisdiction”, in which case it
states that
“the outer limits of the territorial sea, continental shelf, and exclusive
fishing zone of the Sultanate shall not extend beyond the median line,
drawn between the coast of the Sultanate and the coast of such other
opposite or adjacent state”.
According to Article 8, the Government of the Sultanate reserves
for itself the right to determine
“the precise limits of the territorial sea and exclusive fishing zone, as well
as the median line limit of the continental shelf of Oman”.
The Decree has been published in the Official Gazette of the Sultanate.
1. U.N. Doc. A/CONF. 13/L. 55.