Page 433 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
P. 433
(The agreements signed by the other Trucial Shaikhs, viz., the Chiefs of
Dabai, Ajman, Shargah, Ras-uI-Khima and Umm-ul-Gawain, the first
three dated 7 and the last two 8 March 1892, arc identical in form.)
Undertaking by the Chief of Shargah, for the establish
ment of a lighthouse on the Island of Tamb—19121
Dated 1st Zilkadah 1330 (=13 October 1912). i
From-Shaikh Sagar Bin khai.ed. Chief of Shargah.,
To—Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Percy Cox, K.C.I.E., C.S.I., Political
Resident in the Persian Gulf.
After compliments and enquiries after your health—
1 beg to state that our condition is good and the news is tranquil. Your ;
esteemed letter dated the 16th Shawal (28th September) was received on the
1st Zilkadah ( 13th October 1912) and what you had stated was duly
As regards our Island of Tamb and (the fact that) you have requested
me for permission for the establishment of a lighthouse thereon for the ! ;
guidance of steamers. All right; but we hope from you that there will be no 1
interference with the Island beyond that. This is a condition from us and
we trust that, God willing, we shall receive a letter from you to this effect. !
In regard to our representative there we shall, God willing, not neglect
about him as stated by you. And I will esteem it an honour to carry on what
you require of us. :
The Treaty of Sib, 1920-
In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful :
This is the peace agreed upon between the Government of the Sultan,
Taimur ibn Faisal, and Shaikh Isa ibn Salih ibn Ali on behalf of the people
of Oman whose names arc signed hereto, through the mediation of Mr.
Wingate, I.C.S., Political Agent and Consul for Great Britain in Muscat,
who is empowered by his Government in this respect and to be an inter
mediary between them. Of the conditions set forth below, four pertain to
1 Aitchison, p. 258.
2 The Arab Information Centre, The Status of Oman and the British Omanite
Dispute, New York, September 1957.