Page 436 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
P. 436

                  Written in the port of 'Uqair and signed by the representatives of both
                Governments on the Second day of December 1922 corresponding to 13th
                of Rabi al Thani, 1341.                               °
                                                      Abdullah Sa'id Damluji
                                                      Representative of His
                                                      Highness the Sultan of Najd
                                                            J. C. More Major
                                                      Political Agent, Kuwait.
                I have agreed to the contents of this agreement.
                                       'Abdul 'Aziz bin 'Abdul Rahman as-Sa'ud
                                       Sultan of Najd and its Dependencies
                I have agreed to the contents of this agreement.
                                                     Ahmad al-Jabir as-Subah
                                                      Hakim of Kuwait
                  (Translator's note.—The spelling of place names in brackets is that used in
                the map referred to in the treaty.)

                                       APPENDIX IX

                     Bahrain Government Proclamation No. 37/1368
                                        5 June 19491

                TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN:
                  Whereas it is desirable to encourage any efforts to facilitate the derivation
                of greater benefit from the natural resources of the earth, and
                  Whereas valuable resources exist beneath parts of the Persian Gulf near
                the shores of Bahrain, and it has become possible to derive increasing
                benefit from these submarine resources, and
                  Whereas it is desirable, for the purposes of conservation, preservation,
                and orderly development, that extraction of these resources shall be regu­
                lated as necessity dictates, and
                  Whereas it is just that the sea bed and subsoil extending a reasonable
                distance from the shore should belong to and be administered by the
                government of the adjacent coast, and
                  Whereas the right of any coastal government to exercise its sovereignty
                over the natural resources of the sea bed and the subsoil in the vicinity of
                its shores has been established by international practice through the action
                taken by other governments.
                  Accordingly, We, Salman Ibn Hamad Al Khalifah, Ruler of Bahrain,
                by virtue of the powers vested in us in this respect are pleased to issue hereby
                the following proclamation:
                  We, Salman Ibn Hamad Al Khalifah, Ruler of Bahrain hereby declare
                that the sea bed and the subsoil of the high seas of the Persian Gulf border­
                ing on the territorial waters of Bahrain and extending seaward as far as
                    1 A.J.I.L., Vol. 43, Suppl. (1949), pp. 185-6. Translation from Arabic.
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