Page 441 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
P. 441
Kingdom and Kuwait in this matter which shall continue in force until cither
party gives the other at least three years’ notice of their intention to terminate
it, and that the Agreement of the 23rd of January, 1899, shall be regarded as
terminated on this day’s date ■
I have the honour to be, i
With the highest consideration,
Your Highness’ obedient servant,
W. H. Luce
(Her Majesty’s Political Resident).
No. 2
Note from His Highness the Ruler of Kuwait to Her Majesty's Political i
Resident in the Persian Gulf
His Excellency,
Her Britannic Majesty’s Political Resident in the Persian Gulf.
I have the honour to refer to Your Excellency’s Note of to-day’s date ;
which reads as follows:
[As in No. 1]
I confirm that Your Excellency’s Note correctly represents the con
clusions reached by myself and Sir George Middleton and I agree that Your
Excellency’s Note and my reply shall be regarded as constituting an Agree !
ment between Kuwait and the United Kingdom in this matter. With best t
regards. l
Abdullah Al Salim .Al Sabah
June 19, 1961.
L .
Agreement with the Sheikh of Koweit .
23 January 1899
Translation from Arabic Bond
Praise be to God alone (lit. in the name of God Almighty) (‘Bissim Illah !
Ta'alah Shanuho’)— ;
The object of writing this lawful and honourable bond is that it is hereby
covenanted and agreed between Lieutenant-Colonel Malcolm John Meade, i
I.S.C., Her Britannic Majesty’s Political Resident, on behalf of the British
Government on the one part, and Sheikh Mubarak-bin-Sheikh Subah, Sheikh
of Koweit, on the other part, that the said Sheikh Mubarak-bin-Sheikh Subah
of his own free will and desire does hereby pledge and bind himself, his heirs
and successors not to fcceive the Agent or Representative of any Power or