Page 443 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
P. 443
Whereas the two Contracting Parties, by an exchange of notes on
15/3/1383 corresponding to 5th August, 1963 (in regard to partitioning the
Neutral Zone), have accepted to put an end to that temporary state of
affairs by means of partitioning that Zone into two sections, so that the one
shall be annexed to the State of Kuwait and the other shall be annexed to
the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, provided that these equal rights of the two
Parties shall be preserved in full in the whole partitioned Zone as this had
originally been decided by the Convention made at A1 Uqair that it is shared
between the two parties, and shall be safeguarded by the provisions of
international responsibility. They therefore have agreed upon the follow
ing:— :
Article /. The boundary line between the two sections of the Zone is to
be the line which divides them into two equal parts and which begins from
a point at the mid eastern shore on the low-tide line, and ends at the western
boundary line of the Zone. That boundary line shall be demarcated in a
natural manner by the Committee of Survey which is to determine that
boundary line of the Neutral Zone and which is to be set up in the manner
agreed upon in the protocol annexed to the notes exchanged between the
two parties at Jeddha on 15/3/1383 corresponding to 5th August, 1963. :
This boundary line shall be approved by the two sides in an agreement i
they will conclude later on.
Article II. Without prejudice to the provisions of this agreement, the part
lying to the north of the line dividing the Partitioned Zone into two equal
parts shall be annexed to Kuwait as an integral part of its territory, and the
part lying to the south of the line dividing the Partitioned Zone into two
equal parts shall be annexed to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as an integral
part of its territory.
Article III. Each of the Contracting Parties shall exercise the rights of
administration, legislation and defence over that part of the Partitioned
Zone annexed to his territory in the same manner exercised in his territory
of origin while observing other provisions of the Agreement, and without
prejudice to the rights of the contracting parties to natural resources in the
whole of the Partitioned Zone. !-■'
Article IV. Each of the Contracting Parties shall respect the rights of the
other Party to the shared natural resources either existing at present or that
shall exist in future in that part of the Partitioned Zone which is annexed
to his territory.
Article V. If one of the parties cedes or otherwise alienates all or part of
those equal rights which arc safeguarded by the provisions of this Agree :
ment and which arc exercised over any part of the Partitioned Zone to :
any other State, the other Party shall be relieved of his obligations under
this Agreement.
Article VI. Each of the Contracting Parties shall be under obligation not
to take any local or international measure or action which may result in
whatsoever form in hindering the other party from exercising the rights
which arc safeguarded by this agreement, and he shall be under obligations
to co-operate with the other Party fully to protect these rights.
Article VII. Each of the Contracting Parties shall exercise over the terri
torial waters which adjoin that part of the Partitioned Zone which will be