Page 447 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
P. 447
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Because of a desire to direct all possible efforts of these Amirates toward }
their good and toward the security of their future and toward the good
of all the Arab people; and
In response to the desire of the people of the area to strengthen the
means of stability in their countries and to realise a collective defence of
their existence, and to preserve their peace and security in accordance with :
the Charters of the U.N. and the Arab League,
The signatories of this agreement and their delegations met in Dubai
between 26 Dhu al-Qa'dah 1387, corresponding to 25 February 1968, and
28 Dhu al-Qa'dah 1387, corresponding to 27 February 1968, and concluded :
an agreement and undertaking on the following:
1. A federation known as ‘The Federation of Arab Amirates’ shall be
formed of the contracting Amirates.
2. The purpose of the Federation is to strengthen the ties among member ;
Amirates, to promote cooperation among them in all fields, to coordinate
the plans of their development and welfare, to support respect for each
other’s independence and sovereignty, to unify their foreign policy, to
regulate the collective defence of their countries in order to protect their
people and to preserve their security, and to consider generally their mutual !
affairs and interests in a manner which guarantees their aspirations and
realises the hopes of all the great Arab homeland.
3. The affairs of the Federation shall be supervised by a council, known
as the Supreme Council, which shall be formed of the Rulers of these ■
4. The Supreme Council shall draw up a complete and permanent charter
of the Federation and formulate its high policy in international, political,
defence, economic, cultural, and other matters related to the purposes of s
the Federation as prescribed in Article 2 of this agreement. The Council
shall legislate federal laws required in this connection. The Council is the
highest authority in defining jurisdictions. Its decisions shall be made
5. The Rulers of member Amirates shall alternatively and annually
preside over the meetings of the Supreme Council. The President shall
represent the Federation internally and to foreign states.
6. The general federal budget shall be issued by a decision of the Supreme
Council. Revenues of the budget and the share to be paid by each member
Amirate shall be determined by a law.
7. The Supreme Council, in exercising its authorities, shall be assisted
by a council known as the Federal Council.