Page 448 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
P. 448
8. The Federal Council shall be the executive body of the Federation.
The Federal Council shall exercise its duties in accordance with the high
policy decided by the Supreme Council and pursuant to the federal laws
9. The manner in which the Federal Council shall be formed and its
basic rules and system shall be determined by legislation.
10. The decisions of the Federal Council shall not be final until approved
by the Supreme Council.
11. The councils and committees necessary to assist the Federal Council
in discharging its duties shall be formed and organised by federal la ws.
12. In exercise of the right of legitimate individual and collective defence
of their existence, the contracting Amirates shall cooperate with each other
to support and strengthen their military capabilities. To do their joint duty
in repelling any armed aggression committed against any of them, the
contracting Amirates shall, according to the resources and requirements
[of each], participate in the preparation of their individual and collective
means of defence in order to fulfil such duty.
13. (a) The Federation shall have a supreme court known as The Supreme
Federal Court.
(b) The law shall prescribe the manner in which the court shall be
formed, its regulations, and its jurisdictions.
14. The permanent headquarters of the Federation of Arab Amirates
shall be determined by a decision of the Supreme Council, which may meet
in any other place specified.
15. The government of each Amirate shall manage its internal affairs
which arc not entrusted to the Federation under this agreement or which
arc not provided for by federal laws.
16. The Supreme Council of the Federation may, by a decision, amend
this agreement—particularly if the amendment tends to make the tics among
the member Amirates stronger and more firm. An amendment shall not
be considered except in the session which follows the one in which the
request for amendment is made.
17. This agreement shall be put into cfiect as of the beginning of the
month of Muharram 1388, corresponding to 30 March 1968, pursuant to
the regulations observed in each member Amirate and when a complete
and permanent charter has been drawn up for the Federation.
This agreement is done in Dubai on 28 Dhu al-Qa'dah 1387, correspond
ing to 27 February 1968, in nine copies, one of which has been delivered to
each member Amirate.
Tsa ibn Salman Al Khalifah Ruler of Bahrain
Zayid ibn Sultan Al Nuhayyan Ruler of Abu Dhabi
Ahmad ibn 'Ali Al Thani Ruler of Qatar
Rashid ibn Sa'id Al Maktum Ruler of Dubai