Page 449 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
P. 449
Saqr ibn Muhammad al-Qasimi Ruler of Ras al-Khaimah
Khalid .ibn Muhammad al-Qasimi Ruler of Sharjah
Ahmad ibn Rashid al-Mu’alla Ruler of Umm al-Qaiwan
Rashid ibn Humayd an-Nu'aymi Ruler of Ajman
Muhammad ibn Hamad ash-Sharqi Ruler of Fujairah
Letters from The Prime Minister of Iraq and the Ruler of Kuwait
Reaffirming the Kuwait-Iraq Boundary, Dated July 21, 1932, and i
August 10, 1932, Respectively
Nuri Pasha to Sir F. Humphrys
Office of the Council of Ministers,
Baghdad, July 21, 1932
I think Your Excellency will agree that the time has now come when it is
desirable to reaffirm the existing frontier between Iraq and Kuwait.
I therefore request that the necessary action may be taken to obtain the
agreement of the competent authority or authorities in Kuwait to the
following description of the existing frontier between the two countries:-
“From the intersection of the Wadi-el-Audja with the Batin and
thence northwards along the Batin to a point just south of the latitude
of Safwan; thence eastwards passing south of Safwan Wells, Jebel
Sanam and U m Qasr leaving them to Iraq and so on to the junction of
the Khor Zobeir with the Khor Abdulla. The islands of Warbah,
Bubiyan, Maskan (or Mashjan), Failakah, Auhah, Kubbar, Qaruand
Umm-el-Maradim appertain to Kuwait.”
(b) I ■
Translation of a Letter from the Ruler of Kuwait to the Political Agent, I :
Kuwait, dated August 10, 1932.
With the hand of pleasure we have received your confidential letter dated
the 7th instant (Rabi Thani 1351 (the 9th August, 1932), and have noted the
contents of same, as well as the translation of the letter dated the 25th July,
1932, of His Excellency the High Commissioner for Iraq to the Hon. the !
Political Resident in the Persian Gulf, and the translation of the letter dated
the 21st July 1932, of His Excellency Nuri Pasha-as-Said, the Iraq Prime
Minister, regarding the Iraq-Kuwait frontier. We also have noted from the
Hon. The Political Resident’s letter dated the 30th July, 1932, that the
frontier proposed by the Iraq Prime Minister is approved of by His
Majesty’s Government. And, therefore, we beg to inform you that we agree
to reaffirm the existing frontier between Iraq and Kuwait as described in the
Iraq Prime Minister’s letter.