Page 471 - The Arabian Gulf States_Neat
P. 471
Article 1
The width of the territorial sea of the State of Kuwait shall be fixed at
twelve miles, starting from the base-lines of the main land and the Kuwaiti
islands in the manner set forth in Article 2 of this Decree.
Article 2
The following shall be the base-lines from which the territorial sea of the
State of Kuwait is measured:
(a) Where the shore of the mainland or a Kuwaiti island confronts the I
open sea, the base-line is the lowest low-water mark along the
entire shore.
(b) Where there is a port on the shore, the outermost fixed works of
the port are considered part of the shore.
(c) Where a shoal is not submerged at low tide and is not more than
twelve miles from the mainland or from a Kuwaiti island, the
outer edge of the shoal is considered the base-line from which the
territorial waters of the mainland or of the islands facing such .
shoal, whichever the case may be, are measured.
(d) As regards the Bay of Kuwait, whose waters are considered
inland waters, the base-line is a line drawn from headland as i
defined in the third appendix to Law No. 12 of 1964 concerning i
the pollution of navigational waters by oil.
Article 3 i-
For the purposes of the Decree, the term “island” denotes any naturally ■
formed land area surrounded by water which is not submerged at mid-high
tide. The term “shoal which is not submerged at low tide” denotes any
naturally formed land area surrounded by water which is not submerged at i
low tide but is submerged at high tide.
Article 4
If the territorial sea of Kuwait, according to the criteria of measurement \
set forth in this Decree, overlaps the territorial sea of another state or the
waters of the area partitioned in accordance with the agreement for the
partitioning of the Neutral Zone, dated 7 July 1965, boundaries will be \
determined in accordance with Article 12 of the Geneva International :
Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone, referred to ;
earlier in this Decree.
Article 5
The implementation of the provisions of this Decree shall not affect any
of the rights of the parties concerned in the offshore area of the Neutral
(Partitioned) Zone in accordance with the Agreement partitioning the
aforementioned Neutral Zone.