Page 131 - Arabian Studies (II)
P. 131

Hunting Techniques and Practices in the Arabian Peninsula     123

       The Appearance and Conformation of the Saluki (Plates 5-7)
       Whether one reads the British Kennel Club Standard of Points for the
       Saluki or Gazelle Hound38 or the medieval Arabic hunting litera­
       ture,3 9 or whether one enquires of a present-day practising hunter of
       the Peninsula, the same basic points of appearance and conformation
       essential in a good hound emerge. The following points are suggested
       (Fig. 2): deep in the chest (farriiq al-zawr),A0 with low hocks
       (mun/iadir al- ‘urqub),4 1 with long neck (tawll al-raqabah)?2 eyes
       set apart (wasl‘ a/- 4aynayn),43 broad in the croup (‘aridal-fathah/al-
       V?/z),44 long in the thigh (tawJl al-fakhdh)?5 long in the muzzle

                                              a - cen
                                              b - anf
                                              c - fam, Q fin an
                                  t           d - hanak (muzzle)
                        e                     e - fakk (side of face)
                  b G>, d                     f - hlnjaroh (front of throat)
                   C         /
                          r W,                g - aadr
                                              h - yld (whole of foreleg)
                                              1 - zor (zawr)/Joshan
                                              J - kaCb al-dhiraC



          k - batn         1
          1 - dhanab/dhel,   h
             riahah (feathering)
          ■ -  anablC, oakhalib
          a -  Curgub
          o - rijl (whole_of
             hindleg), sag
             (from stifle to   a
          p - fakhdh                Fig. 2
          q - Cajz/fathah
          r - dahr (zahr)
          a - ragabah
          t - idhin
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