Page 135 - Arabian Studies (II)
P. 135
Hunting Techniques and Practices in the Arabian Peninsula 127
tied up to her collar, so that the only position in which she can be
comfortable is lying down; sometimes the vulva is stitched up; or the
bitch may be imprisoned in a cave, where one is available.6 7
Names of Salukis
The following is a list of names of salukis compiled from verbal
information and from some written sources. In general, the names
are used exclusively for hounds and names given to persons are
avoided. Faruq, however, is an exception to both these statements.
The names are mainly of three types: describing a colour or bodily
attribute of the hound, e.g. golden, long and beautiful; describing an
action on the hunting field, e.g. snatcher, striker; associating the
hound with some other swift and skilful predator, e.g. the peregrine
or the panther. Those names culled from written sources and not
rigorously transliterated in the original are corrected and their spelling
in the written work appears in brackets.
Dab ‘an (Dhabba’an) stretching forward to strike Dickson, 378
Dhahban golden informant
Dumran lank, lean al-Nabighah, 73
Faruq making the distinction between right informant
and wrong
Ghallab conqueror Masayid/Bayzarah,
Ghazal (Ghazal) gazelle Daumas, Desert,
Khattaf (Khattaf, snatcher, though with the idea of the Euting, Reise, II,
KhataQ speed of lightning 53; Dickson
La ‘ban playful informant
Lam ‘an (Lama’an) the idea of lightning and thus speed Waters, Saluki, 27
is present, shining
Nimran like a panther, leopard (nimr) informant
Qattaf tearer with the claws, though the Musil, Arabia, 67 ,!
idea of speed is present
RTshan light like a bird, feathered Lunt, 419
Saddah bringing down in earnest informant
Saffaq striker, a root associated with the Euting
wind :
Salhab long and beautiful Mas. I Bay. I
Sha‘lan light brown (ash ‘at) informant
Sirhan wolf, lion Mas. /Bay.
Tamran jumper informant
Washiq piercing or hastening al-Nabighah, 74
Zabyan gazelle, used for the white hound informant