Page 12 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 12
Table No. 4.
Statement shexing total number and tonnage of vessels of each nation that left
the Port oj Mash at.
Sailixo. Stum. Total.
Nationality. Year.
No. No. No.
o( Tons. ol Tons. ot Tons.
vessels. vessels. rcsscls.
f •9°3*l9°4 *48 4024 233 238^99 38« 242.623
British ...' 1904-1905 *77 17,000 337 348.980 4*4 36>98o
1905**906 • M *56 16.000 2 73 518,778 429 534*778
1903-1904 *3 185 *3 18 5
French 1904*1905 *4 1,700 *4 *.700
I 1905-19:6 12 1,500 2 *0.45* *4 *1.95*
f *503**904 SO 2,000 I 39S 9* 2.295
Masks! *9°4-*905 «*4 9.300 I 250 **5 9.5SO
l 1905-1906 too 10,000 • H too *0/500
f *903**904 *5 400 *5 400
Persian 1904*1905 54 *.300 54 1*300
L 1905-1906 70 *.500 1 400 7* *.Soo
1903-1904 7 9^46 7 9.346
Russian M 1904.1905 • M 7 9.346 7 9J46
. 1905-1906 8 *0,444 8 *0444
1903-1904 3* 900 3* 900
Turkey 1904-1905 95 S°00 2 620 97 5/ttO
1905-1906 64 8^00 64 8,200
Other countries 1904-1905 38 Sjooo 28 Soo*
1905-1906 12 2,103 13 2.100
*903*1904 398 7.809 *4* 247.940 539 *55>749
Total *904**9oS 482 39.3oo 247 359.196 729 398^96
1905*1906 ••• 4*4 39.300 284 540.074 698 579074
G. C. Press, Simla.—*No. C165 F. D.-i8-;^647B. U. C.