Page 9 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 9


                                      TABLE No. a.
                                    Exports from Ma skat.

                                       1903-04.       1904-05.        1905-06.

                                          Value in        Value In       Value hi
                                  Quantity.       Quantity.      Quantity.
                                           rupees.        rupee*.         rupee*.
            Corros AND COTTOa FABRICS.  Cwts.  Rs.  Cuts.   Rs.   Cuts.    Rs.
          XulO'in As*3 •••   ***
          i;n/iliar and East Africa «
          Otter countries —   —        SO     690     too   *.630    120    6,000
                   Dates.           Tons.          Toas.           Tons.  Tons.

          America                    2.800  2.31.000  2.000  1/5.000  1.300  i.9S*oo
          Ia fa .-                   15.200  10,56.690  II.200  7.S$.5oo  9*<»  11,25*00
          Turkey in Asia .M           420   29,220    200   *3.750  4*00   18,000
          Zarrbar                     250   *5.540    500   37.500   ICO    4-5<«
          Other countries            2,200  *.S*»25o  *.300  1,10,000  1,000  4S*oo
                   Fish.            Tons.          Tons.          Tons.
          lira _   •n                *025   3S.26o   1,220  30.250  I.>oo  45*00
          Other countries ...          42    1.250   200    5^00     50     *.500
                  Fruit.           Cuts.           Cuts.          Cuts.
          Ufa _                      3^So   49.230  2,700  33.000   3,000  54*00
          lU»_                                       200    2,060    300   6*00
                                       70    1*00
                  Lixes.           Cuts.           Cuts.          Cuts.
          lifa „   _                                 92*             160    6.000
          <                          *•54°  25410           li^So
          7uk<y ia Asa w                             5°o             5°     1.500
                                      950   *3400           5.770
                                     2^00   41*50   3*00    43.125  1*00   *7*°°
          ;        Silt.           Tons.           loos.          Took.
          £- -                        450    3*30    500    6,870    600   46«
                                       80     420    too    M70      60     450
         s   countries _               50     280     35     370     ao     300
          f-                                30.250         4».350          22«5<©

          .1   MoTllKR-o'-fSitE,   Cuts.           Cuts.          Cuts.
          •V« -
                  •N                12,500  85.9-IP  12,200  82.500  3*03  73*oo
                                           10.38400        9*7.500
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14