Page 180 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 180
This weight ir. exclusive-]/ used fa* weighing 'lose is and barrel rocks roun«* Mu-v it. Perth*
tnlt greater part of thj sum mar, c .ring to the higij
(ii) Bizaar weights are :— state oE humidity of the a-tmosphero ia com
bination with a high temporal are, the climate i,
§3 :1 or 5-C71 on. ’ very trying. Fnm November till the middle or
1 lit* .
2ft iiw <j J137 or Slbs. 8 ort. 1 naend 0! Maaent. [ end of March, tie weather is distinctly pleasant
but fails to he bracing as the temperature seldom
mill tie exception of rice, wliiol ij solO in i .f"U* U-,0'T 00° ,F-?hr: '1'ho . v'il'fal1 average. }
law, all tercnls are sold by palli and farrab ".cbes only ana it is due to tLis fact that Muscat
(wooden Uwls) ma.vb,c considered a fairly hc-Jlliy tropical porn,
' J provided ordinary precautions are taken to purifr
40 pillU • ] ftrrsh. 1 the drinking water by boiling or filtration an"l
to protect cue-seif from mosquitoes which, during
20 fumha . 1 i.lisadi.
the winter months, are numerous in the town an-J
. . ... . the cause of a considerable amount of malaria
W hen measuring in pall, the measure is am t mtircA Small-pox occurred in Match,
heaped up. The Indian rupee is taken as one Siaibband to a less extent in Muscat during tU
tola and is used for webbing perfctreiies. Ihi lal^rha,t of th, vcar. Tb.jrc were no case, c£
weight of a Maria Theresa m called cholera or plague during the rear. Six case.of
Wloogiah- and .. cliefly used in weighing: blaci.watc'r f?v* oecurcd during the year two of
* amber : wLi th were fatal
6 mV* at* 1 rupee v eight. .Agriculture The majority of the settle-1
8 n. i‘» tIb ?! wclcLi. • inhabitants live bv agricult ure, of which da*.-
■ cultivation is the principal form, hut the mou:>
. tair. jus and arid nature of tie country do>js n-*
i. le.-.d itself to lemuiic-r.itive .ijriculture ai.d tfr-
1 #bi:r*'l pain or4$* 2 thranLi «=■ 1 yard. I quarrelsoine nV.aie of the tribesmen does n t
2 iLF.:* » J tl:aah or &* •J thrnaU *■ 1 tnab. !i encourage modern methods.
1 :LsiiL-r 6T 1 baah •» L fatb jm. Government:—The Go •••rnment of Omc.:.
is absolute and somewhat primitive. There a.-?
Nor?.—la all traza.ictumi ibe uicasurc tL:tali is used. !; no taw courts ia the European sense, caws a.--*
;* usually decided by the SuJtan aod his Wall
POPULATION. •. (Governors) in accordance with Mabammadsi
•; law or local u-:age. Com mi-rcin I law does n :
1 he lopulalion of Muscat is estimated at exist and claims against Ara’:* subjects are uilfieiiit
about 10.';UU persons and that r.i Matrah at to settle,
about 14-,tOO. No regular census Lis ever been j Language The langua ge of the country is
taken. Neither of these towns mikes any pre
tence of sanitation, Muscat presents a pictures Arabic : many persons in Muscat aud Matrah
que appearance from the sea, but tie interior cf sprak Persian, L'alucbi and Hindustani. Business
communications can, however, be sent in Englir-i.
the town is, for the most part, mean and squalid. •. . , . , ~. . >r „ . /f-..
Matrah -s if anything, worse than Muscat f TL,' Post ?»d telegrapn oE.c.3 at Muscat ( _e
The interior of oian is mountainous and the j ft on« “ Oman) have bean cstabl, shea hy t.e
inhabitants, for the most part, are poor. The Wa bovermnent-
population is estimated at about 500,000, of whom
a considerable portion are nomadic. CUSTOMS ADMINISTRATION.
i! The Customs are managed by Ilis Highness
' the Sultan through a paid Superintendent, a
Although Muscat is frequently described as British Indian subject who was, however, re
one of the hottest towns in the world, it cannot: placed on the it h December 1913 by an Amo
be said to be unhealthy. During the year 191-3- 1 Salim bin Abdulla al Kbainui. An import duty
J4 the LIghest temperature rccorli-d was I10c f not exceeding 5 percent. a-H valorem is levied hr
Fabr. and the lowest G93. The high temperatures !■ His Higbucss and this can be paid in bird
are due to the hot winds, wl ich at certain times |i when there is aay dispute about the value.
in the eunrncr months, and gmenllr only for Ji export duty of any kind is leviable or paid hv
a few hours at night, blow irora the Arabian jj merchants except an iuternal trausit duty of