Page 182 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 182

              (ho c .uni ;y, however, they w-*r • unabk* to dispose   al-'nc wore rcsponsjbe f-.r 53.57.C03 and cotfon
              ct tlioir t>:o.ks and at the end « f the year there   goods for R9. 1,1)5,0’.'4 : —
              was a large* balance in hand. Prices ir. Muscat,   Aral ar.I nmniunillcn   in.
              however, ruled high A bag of rice was sold   W«m (Uclirc)    .   • 2«v»7,9G3
              at 12 doll its or over Rs. 18.           Gilt* .                    12,809
                                                       Sup*r (wfl) .       .   .   G 5.905
                 Wheat:—Also shews a very respectable increase   VcmicjiH .        9,720
              or Its. 34,13G or 28 per cent, over hst year’s   Cotton pxxli   .   .  1,95,001
              imports. Imports are all from India, as those   Box board* (SLoota)  .   .   20.721
              from Kuwait nnd other Gulf ports have ceased            Total    . 28.72,003
              with the traffic in arms anJ ammunition to pay
              for which, wheat, in large quantities, was for­  Arms nnd AmmunitionThe decrease of
              merly imported from Persian Gulf ports.  Its. *25,57,983 or]2*CG per cent. n. -Kced under this
                 Bar. Silver :-Tbis is an illicit This ifcld “ little explanation. AV^a the establish-
              year's imiiorsi have amounted to the cnorsic-us figure nlljn ^ , “e / T0??   .ar'’ °??C. *.n   . and th*5
              •of IN. 3.15.?50 Showing increase of IU. 2*4,650 ^
              or nearly Si per cent om ita. u»F«t» of last , K.VJ|’ ,he diminution under this head
              year which stood at Ks. 01,, 00, thus *»»«             ha, taken plo.-e. Withfc,
              that a considerable a.nounr of snugs ling to   , tradc baJ, d„!ndled to the verv low fiC’
              Cntch port, has been on. The ‘-do » , - ,   „ C(mpared with Rs. 27,OotsGS
              lemg watched and cases of srnugg whroh         0f the totil imports Belgium sent
              come to the of this Consulate are promptly • jj llr t orlion „■ 'Rs. , 90°0„ and
              brought to the notice of the authorities concernedly Un?(..j   Rs. 12,223. The causeof
              1D n ,a*                             ' the decreased imports in the other articles noted
                 Coffc-e ;—Also shows an increase of R?. 83,G83 above is attributed to the continued disturbed
              or 22 per c-er.t. over last year's figures. Imports j -late of the country which prevented Bedouins
              are all Malabar cotTec which is preferred to j fr »m visiting Muscat and exporting :o the interior,
              that from Brazil. It is largely consumed by ; thereby discouraging fresh imports from India,
              the Bideuin.                         j Waras (Ochre):—This is an article mostly
                 Kcrosine Oil:—Shows an increase of Rs. 03,545 ■   ^ th« Bedociss but owing io the continued
              or 06 recent over last vear's impo, U Of the   ■ >» the lutencr they did no: visit Muscat,
              total import of Rs. 1,12,588, Rs. 47,515 worth of , The 'iim2n‘l for " 11:13 W3S cousepwntly less,
              oil was supplied by the Angto-Pcrsian Oil Com-|   Ghee:—No ghee came from Turkey in Asia.
              pany of Muhammerah who have now er-tablished an during the year and what appears it. these returns
              agency in Muscat and have occasionally brought . was imported'from India.
              consignments in their own steamers. The Sian- Soft (Sugar):—Tee decrease under this head is
              dard Oil Company of New York supplied oil also due to the disturbed state of the country,
              to the value of Rs. 95,000.           Pemaads for sugar from the interi/r were small,
                 Oilman's Stores : Under this head there is a
              good increase of Rs. l,6b,5Ua or 66 Mr cent over jnj; acd Bc.,„;Qm applied Rs. 15,200 worth
              the previous year's hgor«. J he bulk of those rf thi; cc.mmoditv.
              imports was for the use of His Majest-rs ships;                ,  ,,. . ,   .
              engaged c-a blockade operations in the Persian! Vermicelli:— The decrease under this is due fo
              QjJjk                                ! the large balance of -ast years imports.
                                                   j Cotton Goods :—The reason for (he decrease
                 Twist and yarnsShow a considerable  J is the same as that given above tinier te Waras".
              increase of Rs. 1,19,580 or 34 per cent The   j No piece goods were imported direct from
              increase in this article shows that the trade in   I America during the year but what appears under
              Muscat manufactured cotton goods is reviving and   | Aden represents American goods. It is said
              that notwithstanding the distorted stale of tLe   I that a large stock cf American piece goods is
              country it has maintained its own and liai Muscat   always kept in Aden bjr 3 Jewish firm which
              was able to export a little more than last year.  'supplies Muscat demands. Indian piece goods
                 Decrease In Imports :—The following items   hare simDary suffered to t^e extent of Rs. 40,70V
              >»bow decreased imports amounting to   and those froia United Kingdom to the extent
              JEts. 28,72,063, of which anna aud ammunition of Rs. 89,050.

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