Page 263 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 263

            Table No. i-C.—Principal articles and couatrics from which imported during the years
                                    *9*3*M to    — contd.
                                              Qua NT ITT.         ViLUB IN RurBES.
         Article* *ad countries from whence* impcrlcd.
                                      1913-11.  1911-16.   1913-16.  1913-11.   1911-16.  1915-16.

         Kc revise oil— contd.
          Unhc; States of America   .Chk  1C0.CO3             95.000
          Other Co untries .       I!
         Oil cf sD kinds—
          India .   .   .          If    9,CCS  13,536  2,600  21.323  27,977  5,571
          Persia .   .   -   •     99                  «•«
         Oilman Stores—
          Price*                . Value                         510
          Aden .   .   •           •»                           7i0
          Germsay                  »»                            €0
          Sel^iui                  »«                           2c0           6*155
          InlU .                                             2.11.356  9,151
          Persia .
          Uni tec Kingdom •        ••                          5,3-:0  1,008  239 S
          Oth rr Co 'retries       If           • ••                    109
          India .               , Cwtfi.  60S    620     131   2,650   3,568  1,061
          India .                       10,239  2,175   317   27,700  13,101  2,121
          Prance                .Value
          {ri;? •                  If                        1,07,619  41,745  44,0^6
          Persia                   »»   -+
          Other Countries          If                           650     750    3(X)
          India .               . Cwls.   1U |    34     10     839     373    121
         Sc^ar, Candy—
          India .   .           -Cwta.   151      76    174    2.650   1.527  3,125
         Sugar. Loaf—
          Aden .   •   •        -Cwts.
          Pcl’irm   •   -          f
          Grrnuny   .              ••
          India .   ,   •          m                           • 09
          Persia   .   •           *
          Cnltol Kingdom .                                              60
          .Other Countries
         Sugar. Soft—
          Austria j             . Cwts.        • M                    • ••
          Pel giun •                    *i‘,209               15,200
          France .
          Gfrminy »                n      609                  *6,250
          India .   ,              rt   13.421  6,108  6,192  1,58,768  1.07.893  61,675
          Uuilel Kingdr om .      ",
          Arab Coast >             »                     28           •••      418
          Belgium    «          . Gall.
          Frame                           92      62            690     465
                                   9»                                         • 99
   258   259   260   261   262   263   264   265   266   267   268