Page 260 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 260

                Tabic No. i-B.—Total Imports of principal articles during the years 1913-14 to 19x5-16—concld.

                                                   Quantity.           Yalu* 1 a RcraKS.
                                             1313-14.  1011*15.  1915-1G.  1013*14.  1011-15.  1015-14.

                ljuiMic* .Materials .   Value                        i?/m   24,937
                Dr.t*s ...                99   •?                    3,255   1,900
                Er.atnelwnre .   .                                    *;•<>  3,031
                Furniture .   .           H                           812     C73
                Glass ar.d Enrtlccwaro    99                         1,920   4,185  2.233
                Gennr bags .   .          ft          • ••            970    4,740  10,320
                II »b«-r2as. erj .   .    99    »•
                llarisrjre .   .          »»                         5*.042  ’5,274  4,577
                31.-t ar.d Mat Bag* .     u                   :
                l’erfurj-ry .   .         »•                          SCO    3,301  *2,2S5
                Soap .   .   •            n           l..            11,736  i,8Se  2^-40
                Timber •                  99                          076
                Ar.i.-l-i not sp-:c’5cd above  m                     19,517  27.039  19,835

                          Total \j Sailing Ytssils  :         • M  3,22, S10  5,=6.479  8,39,173

   255   256   257   258   259   260   261   262   263   264   265