Page 271 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 271

            Tabic No. 2*13.—Total exports of principal articles during the years f9*3'f Ito ^'S
                                                                  Valts ik Rems.
           Articles and countries to wUcb exported. r
                                        1013-1 V.  1311-15.  1015-16.  1013-11.  101 *.-13.  lQIS-iG.
                                          Si earner'lornc Trade.
          Camels .               . No*-     1                    300
           Iloraiej .   .
          Other hinds .                    32      43            3.0     430
       Arms and. Ammunition—
          Hides    •   •                  2,SOI   8,291       2,00,750  7,15.* 10
          Cartridges •              0  3,303,100  3,130,31.0  1,57,111  67,SOU
       Cereal r—
          Rice   •   •           • Tors            15                   3,122
          m,-»t .                . Cw.s.           41                    350
          Wheat Floor .                    78      53           ill 70   CIS    too
          Other Grains •                           33                    425    100
       Fish —                                                '
          Sardines, Drv             ft   22,329  33,430  22,1-17   92.500  1,45.469  l,ln,2S5
          Fi«l:, Dry and Salted     i*    3,357   907     301 :   21,011  5.V-10  1,960
          Fish. Maws  .             t       5                    3-0
          Shari; l'in* .                   550    451     56-5  C,8i0   2.710  VS9
          CuUles .                         80     lu3     110    6j5     991   1,654
          Hates, Dry             . Tens   5 921   4,918   4,2*>3 . 7,37,495 [ 8,57.602   5."3,130
            .. Wet .                      3.151   1,977   1.742  7,71,181   8,53.520  2,9 .',762
          Limes, Dry .           . Cv!s-  3.128   1,1'9 G  2,2_9   90,275   35.778  65.331
          Pomegranates              n     2/215   681     8 .0   73.5JO   17 SOI  28,52:1
          Fruit*, other kinds •     19                           9i5   2,717     791
       Paints tad Coloc.-s—
          Dm goons’Efood            n      10       3           1,950    450
          Yk aras (Ochre)           M              12   IN               soo    270
       Precious Stones mid Metals—
          Pearls  •   ,   •      . Yilce                       10.9ro  3.000   23.800
          Spe-cie ...                                         10,80,133  9,74,3G0  2,1.7,575
          Coffee  .   •   •      . Cw*t-           37     251          2,325   19.270
          Gh:i-e   , . ,   .     . (illil   1,365  939    723   8,5'0   4,703  2.715
          Halwab (Sweets)        . Vric.3                       7,733    445    27u
          Oilman Stores                                                  204     39
         .Oil of all kinds       I GiL     CO           1.0 90   2:0            500
               •   •
          Snjgar, Loaf .         .CtI*.   212     342           2.614  3,025
           , Soft .                m               86                   1,811
          Spices  .   .                                          268     100
          ‘Vegetables •          . Cxtsu                         712    1.074
          Wiccs and Spirits .    • GiLr.  542     522    309    5,319  6,139   3,258
          ire iher-of- r»c&ri                                  47/150         29,050
          Turtle Shells , •                                     1,2 SO
          Co-wrica               . Csts.  • ••   • N             425     675   1*020
       Textile Fabrics —
          Cotton Goods tMuaca-t manufactured) Td.«^   387  114  125  2,01,2»)Q  61,700  1,97,300
          Ccttoa Goods (Europe) .  . jd-s.  291   106     83   85,550  37,920  2 5,400
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