Page 275 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 275
Table No. a-C.—Principal articles nnd countries to -Afiicli exported during the years
1913-14 to 1915-16—conli.
Quantities. Value J5 Rupbz*.
j^j-uLs aud countries to which exported. 1515-16.
11(13-14. 1914-13. 1913-10. 1913-14. 1914-15.
paints aod Colours—
Prisoocs’ blood— . Cw:r. 1,950
India • • 10 •••
Persia - • 430
Shitt-al-Arab ft 3
■\Vara* (Ochre)— 13 SCO 2 70
Arc-b Coast
Prccoos E:*: ncs aud Petals—
Pearls— 8.9CO 1,0:0 23,800
India . . Value
An-b Coast 2,000
Persia . • 2,009
Specie— 5.19.2rO ! 2,30,259 S 56.175
Arab Cc;a*t 1,75,923 ] 6.33 310; 1.53,3<>0
India . •18,0* 0 i 1,05.80J i 8.100
Perris . n
Sbatt-d-Amib 9* 13.000 — j
Other Countries 99 • M
Cc5ce— 1,705 19,270
A rab Ccast . C«ta. 27 251 620
Persia • •» 10
Arab Ccast . Gals. 312 553 1,950 3,520
India . 99 728 1*183 2,715
Persia - 99 1,056 384 6,COO
IlaVah (Sweet)—
Arab Coast . Value 7,234 369
India . • • •• 340 85 170
Persia . ft 161
Oilier Countries m
Oilman Stores—
Arab Ccast . 99
India .
Perris . • 204 30
Oils c f all binds—
Arab Ccast . • Gal*. 1,000 600
Perm . . » 60 240
India . . Tons
ZanziUr .
Ol? or Ccunbiee *
Sugar; Loal—
Arab Ccast . . Cvrts. 70 810 •••
. Per sia . . m 142 242 1,704 3,025