Page 317 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 317
No. 1529, dated Muscat, Iho 3rd July 1920.
P.-om—B. E. L. WcfOjLir, E^p, Political Agent and His Britannio Majesty**
Consul, MuscaS,
To—The Secretary to t’ Governraont of India ia tho Foreign and Political Depart-*
men!, Simla.
I havo tho honour to forward a copy of my report on the trade and
commorco of Muscat for tho year 1918*19, tho original of which with tho tables
in sterling, at tho rato of Its. 15 to the £ storling ha3 been sent to tho
Foreign Oflloo, -London.
Copice have been sent to tlio Deputy Political Resident, Buahire, and tha
Civil Commissioner, Baghdad-
It is requested that 12 printed copies may be sont me,