Page 321 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 321
Export on the trade of Linn cat for tjio year 1018-19 hy
R. 3. It. TTxns&to, Enej., I.C.S., Hi.i Dritauulc Llaje sty's
Consul, T.luscat.
Introduction.—Muscat is tho capital and the chief port of the Sultanate-
of Oman, which comprises a portion of tho south eastern coast of Arabia up to
tlie cal ran :o to tho Persian Gulf.
Muscat is the only port cf call for steamers in Oman, hat ns the town lies
at the outl of a cylvc surrounded by precipitous rocky hills, it has no means of
communciation with the interior. Goods destined for the interior have to bo
taken by small boats to the adjoining town of Muttra about 2 miles np the
coast which also has a good anchorage, though more exposed than that of
Currency.—The currency of the country is tho Maria Theresa collar and
tho copper coin minted in 1805 to the order of His Highness the Saltan. In
Muscat and Muttra sovereigns, Indian currency notes and Indian rupees
are generally accepted.
Tho Maria Theresa dollar fluctuates in value considerably being affected
by the world price of silver and also by the local demand in the da:e season,
and by the state of the Bahrein pearl market.
Trade accounts arc kept in Mahomadis and Gaj imaginary coins. There
are two kinds of Mahomadis—black and white. Blaok 20*=1 dollar and white
ll£=l dollar. The white is used in holesale trade accounts and tho black for
fruits, vegetables, etc. Most hundis from India show their face value in
Mabomadis and not in rupees.
20 Gaj=l MahoraadL
]1-J Mahomadis=l dollar.
100 Mahomadis-=1 Toman..
The average monthly rate of exchange between the Marla Theresa dollar
and the rupee varied from Rs. 200 to Rs. 251 per 100 dollars, the lowest being
in November 1918 and tho highest in March 1919. b
The following gives the average rates ruling in the local, market in' each
month during the year under report Rs. 16=£1:—
April 1918 • ••. • •• 212 per 100 dollars.
May 1918 • •• • •4 225 ditto.
/ana 1918 •a. • •• 247 ditto.
July 1918
• H 249 ditto.
August 1918 • •• 252 ditto.
Septcmbor 1918 • M
• M 234 ditto.
October 1918 • •• • M 212 ditto.
November 1913 • •• • •• 206 ditto.
December 1918 • •• • •• • •• 215 ditto.
January 1919 ••• ... ••• 232 ditto.
February 1919 ... ... ... 232 ditto.
March 1019
••• 254 ditto-