Page 323 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 323

              ITo European trader could at present go inlaud owing to tie disturbed
          aUto of tho country.
              Total trad—The* total volume of trade during tho year has amounted to
          RS. 70,84,313 ns against Its. 43,53,733 of the previous year showing an increase
          of Its. 31,25,55:0 on last year’s figures. The ab »ve figures include the figures
          of tho buggnlow borao trade which amounted to Ra. 43,7*1,771 ana represents
          tho respectable increase of Rs. 28,13,810 on last year’s figures. This is due
          to the fact that eteamsliip services had been largely utilised by Government ra
          connection with llio war.
              Share of trade.—Tho following table shows the percentage of total trade
          taken by each country :—

                          Coast r lea.            Icporto.  Exports.  Total. P^rcentige.

                                                     B«u     R».    Ra.
          hdfi*                                    26,050  £9,700   C4.7SO   •09
          Arab Coast ...                                  9.43,64 >   9,43,043  irs?
          'Franca (D'Jitoa*!)                               9.000   9.1CO    •11
          India                                   <V:3>23  20,39,923  63.5 J,758   7*:e
          Persia                                   51,000  2,94,500   3.4O.5C0   437
                                                          1,98,’. 02
          8hatt*e!-A>ab                                           1/-8.102
          United Stales of A retries  • ••                 27,070  27,075     84
          Zanzibar              • ••                       32,185  32,155    •40
          Momtasa ...    —.                                 7,500   7,500    •09
          Lama (Italian Son-I.Iie-3)               11,563          11,5*8    •14
          Other*   —                                200     2C0

                                     Total    • ••  43,49,471 ?.G,34,842  79,«4,313  lOOOO

              Imports.—The total imports for the year amounted to Rs. 43,49,471 a*
          against Ks. 24,9;',753 last year slowing an increase of Rs. IS,49,710 over la^t
          year’s figures or 74 per cent. This amount includes Rs. 27,10,321 worth
          iuipnrts carried hy the buggalow borne traffic.
              The main imports are rice, coffee and cotton goods which are responsible for
          Rs. 36,00,903 of the whole total: sugar, wheat, wheat flour are also largely
              Rice is a main staph* of diet and as it is little grown in the . cmintrv it
          always confitures the main import 'I he Omani exchanges his cliief product
          of dates for rice, coffee and cotton goods from India. ,
              America and Japan arc serious corapititors in piece goods trade though ail
          goods are shown as imported from India whence they are shipped to Muscat.
              Exports.—To’al expo ts for the ye*, r under report amounted to
          Rs. 36,34,842 which includes Rs. 15,45,586 worth exports carried bv (lie
          biigg.,low traffic, as against Rs. 23,58,978 last year showing an increase of
          R.c. 1 ,75,8Gi over last year’s figures or 34 per cent
              Dry and w*t dntcw.f tin* value of Its. 1*,37,303 were erported durin** the»
          year under report. Of this total date export, the share carried hv sailin‘>°craft
          amounts to Its. 12,13,030. The export of wi t dates to United States of \n,c-i« *
          amounted to Rs. 27,075 and to India Its. 3,15,261.
              Dry fish, fpocie and tobacco wire aho largely exported
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