Page 435 - 7 Persian Trade rep Muscat 1_Neat
P. 435
Return oT British Shipping which Entered and Cleared In the Foreign Trade of the Port during thd
year 1921*22.
(a) Si cam Vessels.
CO'isnu u With «Ar.oots Is Ballast Total. Corsntits Wits Cak'Xes It BALLAST Tot ±t
Lfiueo. a. EiCKP.
No net net Vo Net .Vo. Vrt .Vo Vet .Vo Vrt
of' *Xf- Ton- oT 'd Toaaagx of Ton 'A Tonnage
veneli Tonnage tuge reueb Tonnage rewb re sr|« nage reifdi
UniW<l kingdom . * e.eoi S C.804 Crited KlncJooi 3 4.99-4 3 0.33*
Ott« Countries, Otvr Co ut tots,
tit. n>.
Cut: fl ItAln of 5 11,490 5 11,490 United 5U.t«l 5 11.03 5 11.130
Jjcirrica of America
Ii/Ji 128 294,144 123 294,144 India 124 234.14-1 123 294.144
Total lie 312,528 i:e 312.524 Total lie 312.114 ICG 312.124
(b) Sailing Vessels.
Britfch 92 11.408 K 11,408 92 >2 u. toe
Zan iJlac
Ado . 3 1 372 Z 1 ?; 1 J 3 1 372
Abi-lm 1 124 124 1 1 124
T7>TaL 97 12,028 97 12,028 Total 07 12/) 23 97 12/328
Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which Entered and Cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port
during the year 1921-22.
(a) Steam Vessels.
K*TnTatrrr of SAZioyxixTT or
British 134 312.528 lie 312,528 Bdthh i3e 312.528 134 S12,5fi«
Total 134 312,528 134 312,528 Total 134 312A38 134 112,524
(6) Sailing Vessels.
British 02 11,408 91 British 92
African l 372 S African 92
Aden . 1 124 A«Ie» S 3
BersLaa 1 124 1 1 Ptnut 1 1 1
Tor a* 97 12,028 97 12,028 JOfAt 97 12,028 97